Did you go to one of our shows? Did you see it somewhere else? What did you think - did we put on a good show? What could we do better next time?
And equally importantly, what'd you think of the movie? I fought tears at times, cheered lustily with the crowd at times, and found occasional pieces of news that I hadn't heard before. Comment and let us know what you thought!
And, really, thanks to the volunteers who worked so hard to make things run smoothly (and Peter Hannah, the volunteer coordinator), all the DFW team who busted butt for two weeks to get things going and keep me calm, Jay Inslee for doing so much to make this event happen, and most importantly, to YOU, for attending, for joining us in a reunion of sorts, for celebrating with us, and for contributing to our future success. You are DFW, and you all make events like this a success. Thank you!
Sunday, June 27, 2004
Friday, June 25, 2004
Kristiana Henderson - the face of Democracy's future!
Kristiana Henderson wrote me today, and asked for our help. She's fourteen years old and lives in Western Washington. She took part in an essay-writing contest called "Gavel in the Future" with the Democratic National Committee. The two winners of the contest will have the opportunity to gavel in the Democratic National Convention next month. Out of 400 entries, Kristiana's essay, "Tomorrow is Now", is one of ten finalists, and she's the only finalist West of the Mississippi river!
Kristiana wrote an extremely great essay, and would be a great representative of DFW at the convention! I'm sure our Washington Dean delegation would be thrilled to look after her in Boston. Please visit Kristiana's website, and be SURE to vote for her at the convention website so she can represent Washington state in Boston! This is our chance to send one of our own without jumping through party hoops (not that we minded the process...) - let's show the grassroot's power!
Kristiana, good luck!
Ray Minchew
Kristiana wrote an extremely great essay, and would be a great representative of DFW at the convention! I'm sure our Washington Dean delegation would be thrilled to look after her in Boston. Please visit Kristiana's website, and be SURE to vote for her at the convention website so she can represent Washington state in Boston! This is our chance to send one of our own without jumping through party hoops (not that we minded the process...) - let's show the grassroot's power!
Kristiana, good luck!
Ray Minchew
Thursday, June 24, 2004
Wow! Fahrenheit 9/11 sold out!
Interest was super high for our premiere showing of Fahrenheit 9/11, and the show is now sold out. Thanks to all of you who bought tickets and contributed. We were mentioned today in the Seattle Times, and the buzz is all over the street about Democracy for Washington. You guys made this happen!
We still welcome any contributions, of course, since this is a fundraiser. Thanks again to Jay Inslee and his great staff, and to all the Democracy for Washington members who helped make this event happen. Let's make tomorrow night a great event!
Ray Minchew
We still welcome any contributions, of course, since this is a fundraiser. Thanks again to Jay Inslee and his great staff, and to all the Democracy for Washington members who helped make this event happen. Let's make tomorrow night a great event!
Ray Minchew
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Fahrenheit 9/11 tickets finally available!
After a lengthy delay to deal with some internet hosting company issues, we are finally able to offer our tickets to Fahrenheit 9/11 online!
We have reserved the Neptune theater on June 25th, opening night (next Friday), and we have two shows: 7:00pm, and 9:45pm. Both shows currently a limited amount of tickets available online!
This is a fundraiser for Democracy for Washington, but for legal reasons the Jay Inslee team can only accept the face value for tickets.
For that reason, we ask that you visit two sites to obtain tickets:
a) Jay Inslee's ticket sales page: $9.00/ ticket, maximum three (3) per transaction - this is required to get tickets.
b) Our contribution page, $16 per ticket, for a total of $25 per ticket - this is optional - you know your financial situation, and we're trying to raise money to support grassroots efforts such as this around the state. It's your choice, but we ask for your help at this time.
I apologize that this isn't simpler - we did our best, but legal constraints are making us jump through hoops! Please contact us with any questions.
Whatever we raise, we will split a portion of the proceeds with MoveOn.org PAC to help them in their good works as well. The portion we keep will be used in-state to host candidate forums and other great grassroots events. Thank you so much for your patience, and we'll see you at the movies!
Ray Minchew
We have reserved the Neptune theater on June 25th, opening night (next Friday), and we have two shows: 7:00pm, and 9:45pm. Both shows currently a limited amount of tickets available online!
This is a fundraiser for Democracy for Washington, but for legal reasons the Jay Inslee team can only accept the face value for tickets.
For that reason, we ask that you visit two sites to obtain tickets:
a) Jay Inslee's ticket sales page: $9.00/ ticket, maximum three (3) per transaction - this is required to get tickets.
b) Our contribution page, $16 per ticket, for a total of $25 per ticket - this is optional - you know your financial situation, and we're trying to raise money to support grassroots efforts such as this around the state. It's your choice, but we ask for your help at this time.
I apologize that this isn't simpler - we did our best, but legal constraints are making us jump through hoops! Please contact us with any questions.
Whatever we raise, we will split a portion of the proceeds with MoveOn.org PAC to help them in their good works as well. The portion we keep will be used in-state to host candidate forums and other great grassroots events. Thank you so much for your patience, and we'll see you at the movies!
Ray Minchew
A Progressive Caucus?
In recent threads on this site's Yahoo sister group, the discussion of establishing and supporting a Progressive Caucus has been getting a lot of travel. To begin with, it has been established that there is a Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chaired by Dennis Kucinich and Rep. Barbara Lee of California with Jim McDermott doing a fine job of representing us in Washington. What, you might ask, is the significance of this fine group? Well in my opinion, it is what should be at the core of our activities in this election cycle. My selection of Howard Dean over Dennis Kucinich in the presidential race was made very much with the Progressive Caucus in mind. Kucinich was fond of reminding us that he was co-chair of that caucus but was hard pressed to count their accomplishments over the past 8 years. My feeling was (and is still) that Howard Dean would have signed whatever the Progressive Caucus could have gotten through the House.
The shift in our own party, so dynamically pointed out by Dean in his famous "What I want to know...." speech, has been gaining ground with each passing election. Since the 2nd coming of Reagan (1984), the DLC has been slowly but surely making great inroads into the soul of our party. Indeed, it has been the DLC who have given us "Free Trade" over "Fair Trade" and "Welfare to Work" and a shift in foreign policy that helped George W Bush launch a preemptive strike in Iraq. Of course the key element in the DLC argument is "electability". Friends, make no mistake, Bill Clinton won re-election on shear force of his personality, not on any values of the DLC. One only needs to look to the mid-term election of 1994 for that answer.
We have all been told that we must not only take the Whitehouse but that we must take back the congress as well. In my opinion, it is not enough to win back the House of Representatives however. We must make it one that once again represents our values. It is my feeling that, not only can we not afford to lose a Dennis Kucinich in the Progressive Caucus, but we must be tireless in our efforts to put more true Progressives in Congress. As you look for places to invest your time and resources this year, look for where there are contested races and where there is a real difference between progressive values or "electability" ask what you can do to help restore our values and start taking back our country.
The shift in our own party, so dynamically pointed out by Dean in his famous "What I want to know...." speech, has been gaining ground with each passing election. Since the 2nd coming of Reagan (1984), the DLC has been slowly but surely making great inroads into the soul of our party. Indeed, it has been the DLC who have given us "Free Trade" over "Fair Trade" and "Welfare to Work" and a shift in foreign policy that helped George W Bush launch a preemptive strike in Iraq. Of course the key element in the DLC argument is "electability". Friends, make no mistake, Bill Clinton won re-election on shear force of his personality, not on any values of the DLC. One only needs to look to the mid-term election of 1994 for that answer.
We have all been told that we must not only take the Whitehouse but that we must take back the congress as well. In my opinion, it is not enough to win back the House of Representatives however. We must make it one that once again represents our values. It is my feeling that, not only can we not afford to lose a Dennis Kucinich in the Progressive Caucus, but we must be tireless in our efforts to put more true Progressives in Congress. As you look for places to invest your time and resources this year, look for where there are contested races and where there is a real difference between progressive values or "electability" ask what you can do to help restore our values and start taking back our country.
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Philadelphia Inquirer Gives Kerry His First Presidential Endorsement
LAST WEEK, the nation looked to the past with the death of President Ronald Reagan.
This week, the presidential campaigns of George W. Bush and John F. Kerry, suspended out of respect to the deceased 40th president, start fresh. In that spirit, this newspaper, the first in the nation, endorses John Kerry for president. Unlike the current White House occupant, Kerry can lead America to a brighter, better future. He has shown the personal courage, compassion, intellect and skill to lead this country in a time of war abroad and economic troubles at home. He is a serious man for a serious time.
Read the entire article: http://www.philly.com/mld/dailynews/8933725.htm (free registration required)
Action Items: Read the article and write to the Philadelphia Daily News with your support. I'm sure they will get plenty of negative letters, and we should counter those early.
Send them your thoughts, along with an address and day and evening phone number they can call to verify your message. You can reach the paper by e-mail (views@phillynews.com), fax (215-854-5691) or regular mail (Views, Box 7788, Philadelphia, PA 19101).
This week, the presidential campaigns of George W. Bush and John F. Kerry, suspended out of respect to the deceased 40th president, start fresh. In that spirit, this newspaper, the first in the nation, endorses John Kerry for president. Unlike the current White House occupant, Kerry can lead America to a brighter, better future. He has shown the personal courage, compassion, intellect and skill to lead this country in a time of war abroad and economic troubles at home. He is a serious man for a serious time.
Read the entire article: http://www.philly.com/mld/dailynews/8933725.htm (free registration required)
Action Items: Read the article and write to the Philadelphia Daily News with your support. I'm sure they will get plenty of negative letters, and we should counter those early.
Send them your thoughts, along with an address and day and evening phone number they can call to verify your message. You can reach the paper by e-mail (views@phillynews.com), fax (215-854-5691) or regular mail (Views, Box 7788, Philadelphia, PA 19101).
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Draft Dean for VP Petition
Considering some of the recent polls, including this one from FOXNews, you might consider giving Dean a little push.
Draft Dean for VP Petition
Draft Dean for VP Blog
Draft Dean for VP Petition
Draft Dean for VP Blog
Larsen Campaign: Volunteers Needed Saturday, June 19th, in Island County
As the campaign season moves into high gear, we must redouble our grassroots efforts to ensure victory in November. We must take responsibility for our areas and make sure that every voter knows about our candidates and understands why Democrats must win in 2004. Here's what we're doing on Whidbey Island right now:
On Saturday, June 19th the Rick Larsen Campaign is invading Island County with sign and doorbell blitzes.
Volunteer Needs:
1) Individual Signs - we need to distribute 70 Yard Signs to coordinators for home delivery: 7 volunteers can deliver 10 yard signs each to cover all of our home locations.
2) 6 4x8 Signs - we'd like to begin our large sign program with 6 signs on Whidbey - 3 teams of 2-3 volunteers with trucks, electric drills, hammers, and levels to construct 2 4x8 signs in the morning.
3) Doorbell 10 precincts in Oak Harbor - 20 doorbelling volunteers can accomplish this in about 3 hours.
We're meeting in Freeland at 10:30 AM to deliver yard signs and 4x8 signs to volunteer teams at the Park & Ride at Trinity Lutheran Church (SR 525 & Woodard Road). Our next stop is in Oak Harbor at 1:30 PM to deliver more yard signs and coordinate doorbelling teams at Safeway (31565 State Route 20 # 1). At both meetings there will be a short meet-&-greet/training session.
These are aggressive goals, but also goals that must be accomplished. Rick has never carried Island County and we intend to change that in November. Now is our chance to make Island County Democratic for all of our candidates!
Please contact me at lee@ricklarsen.org or at (425) 923-3276 if and how you can help out on Saturday, or if you would like to help out the campaign in other ways. Thanks again for your support and all of your hard work!
Lee Marchisio
Field Director, Citizens to Elect Rick Larse
On Saturday, June 19th the Rick Larsen Campaign is invading Island County with sign and doorbell blitzes.
Volunteer Needs:
1) Individual Signs - we need to distribute 70 Yard Signs to coordinators for home delivery: 7 volunteers can deliver 10 yard signs each to cover all of our home locations.
2) 6 4x8 Signs - we'd like to begin our large sign program with 6 signs on Whidbey - 3 teams of 2-3 volunteers with trucks, electric drills, hammers, and levels to construct 2 4x8 signs in the morning.
3) Doorbell 10 precincts in Oak Harbor - 20 doorbelling volunteers can accomplish this in about 3 hours.
We're meeting in Freeland at 10:30 AM to deliver yard signs and 4x8 signs to volunteer teams at the Park & Ride at Trinity Lutheran Church (SR 525 & Woodard Road). Our next stop is in Oak Harbor at 1:30 PM to deliver more yard signs and coordinate doorbelling teams at Safeway (31565 State Route 20 # 1). At both meetings there will be a short meet-&-greet/training session.
These are aggressive goals, but also goals that must be accomplished. Rick has never carried Island County and we intend to change that in November. Now is our chance to make Island County Democratic for all of our candidates!
Please contact me at lee@ricklarsen.org or at (425) 923-3276 if and how you can help out on Saturday, or if you would like to help out the campaign in other ways. Thanks again for your support and all of your hard work!
Lee Marchisio
Field Director, Citizens to Elect Rick Larse
Monday, June 14, 2004
Welcome Bush to Spokane, June 17
Dear Friends,
Ready for some Bush whack'n?
George Bush is coming to Spokane on Thursday, June 17 to raise money for George Nethercutt. The event is a dinner at the Spokane
Convention Center, 334 West Spokane Falls Boulevard.
There will be a counter event and rally north of the River starting at 5 pm (Lilac Bowl of River Front park). While the rich kids will be inside dinning on their 1,000 dollar meals, the common folk that's us) will be serving, hot dogs, veggie dogs, and hamburgers . The State Democratic Coordinated Campaign is organizing the rally.
Please share far and wide and bring five friends.
What: Welcome Bush to Spokane
When: Thursday, June 17, 5 pm
Where: North side of the Spokane River across from Convention Center
Why: Do I really have to tell you?
Eastern Washington Voters is organizing a car pool that is leaving at 3:15 PM on Thursday from Dissmore's parking lot in Pullman. We will meet at the front left (facing the store) corner of the lot. If you can drive or need a ride, contact Bryan at (509) 332-4260 (h); (509) 330-1793 (c); bryanb@ewvoters.org
Ready for some Bush whack'n?
George Bush is coming to Spokane on Thursday, June 17 to raise money for George Nethercutt. The event is a dinner at the Spokane
Convention Center, 334 West Spokane Falls Boulevard.
There will be a counter event and rally north of the River starting at 5 pm (Lilac Bowl of River Front park). While the rich kids will be inside dinning on their 1,000 dollar meals, the common folk that's us) will be serving, hot dogs, veggie dogs, and hamburgers . The State Democratic Coordinated Campaign is organizing the rally.
Please share far and wide and bring five friends.
What: Welcome Bush to Spokane
When: Thursday, June 17, 5 pm
Where: North side of the Spokane River across from Convention Center
Why: Do I really have to tell you?
Eastern Washington Voters is organizing a car pool that is leaving at 3:15 PM on Thursday from Dissmore's parking lot in Pullman. We will meet at the front left (facing the store) corner of the lot. If you can drive or need a ride, contact Bryan at (509) 332-4260 (h); (509) 330-1793 (c); bryanb@ewvoters.org
Tomorrow is a good day for Democracy on KUOW, 94.9 Seattle
The deadline for the summer internship program at KUOW is tomorrow. This is specifically for high school students interested in reporting on the upcoming election. If you know a high school student who might be interested, you can learn more about Weekday High here.
Tuesday, June 15th, Weekday 9am - 11am
Gubernatorial candidate Ron Sims says Washington State needs an income tax. The income tax has long been considered a third rail in state politics. Do you agree with the proposal for an income tax? What agenda do you want the next Governor of Washington to pursue? Ron Sims will join us to discuss his platform and take your phone calls on Weekday.
We'll learn about resources to help parents get involved with their kids schools.
Tuesday, June 15th, Weekday 9am - 11am
Gubernatorial candidate Ron Sims says Washington State needs an income tax. The income tax has long been considered a third rail in state politics. Do you agree with the proposal for an income tax? What agenda do you want the next Governor of Washington to pursue? Ron Sims will join us to discuss his platform and take your phone calls on Weekday.
We'll learn about resources to help parents get involved with their kids schools.
Saturday, June 12, 2004
Alex Alben for Congress Kickoff
You are cordially invited to join 8th District Congressional candidate Alex Alben for his kickoff BBQ as he prepares to go the distance and win a seat in the House of Representatives!
Monday, June 14, 2004
5:30 pm
Pickering Barn
1730 10th Ave. NW
$25 per adult; kids are free
Please RSVP to Field Manager Leslie Martes at 425-454-3100 or leslie@alben2004.com.
Directions to the Pickering Barn:
>From I-90, eastbound: take exit 15, the Lake Sammamish Park exit. Turn left off the ramp onto 17th Ave., which becomes SE 56th St. Go through two stoplights. Take a right at the third stoplight onto 10th Ave. NW. Take a left into the Pickering Barn parking lot. The entrance is on the east side of the Barn. Note: The Barn is directly east of the Issaquah Costco.
You are cordially invited to join 8th District Congressional candidate Alex Alben for his kickoff BBQ as he prepares to go the distance and win a seat in the House of Representatives!
Monday, June 14, 2004
5:30 pm
Pickering Barn
1730 10th Ave. NW
$25 per adult; kids are free
Please RSVP to Field Manager Leslie Martes at 425-454-3100 or leslie@alben2004.com.
Directions to the Pickering Barn:
>From I-90, eastbound: take exit 15, the Lake Sammamish Park exit. Turn left off the ramp onto 17th Ave., which becomes SE 56th St. Go through two stoplights. Take a right at the third stoplight onto 10th Ave. NW. Take a left into the Pickering Barn parking lot. The entrance is on the east side of the Barn. Note: The Barn is directly east of the Issaquah Costco.
Friday, June 11, 2004
Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) filing information for 2004
The filing period for Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) is changed for this election and will be open July 26 through July 30, 2004. The PCO Declaration of Candidacy Form must be in the correct County Auditor's Office within the open filing period.
The PCO positions will be on the Primary Ballot on September 14, 2004.
The filing fee is one dollar ($1) and must accompany the filing form.
The PCO Declaration of Candidacy Form is available at each County Auditor's Office.
Some County Auditor's websites may not have the downloadable PDF version of the filing form. If the form is not available at your County Auditor's site, do not use another County's downloadable form. For instance, the Snohomish County Auditor's PDF file contains their logo and will not be accepted at other county's offices.
If you mail the PCO Declaration of Candidacy Form to your County Auditor's office, it must be mailed no more than ten (10) days prior to the open filing period. It must also be notarized and the filing payment must accompany the form (make checks payable to the correct County Auditor).
If you would like more information about the PCO position, you can contact your Legislative District Chair.
You may also read the online version of the PCO Handbook
The PCO positions will be on the Primary Ballot on September 14, 2004.
The filing fee is one dollar ($1) and must accompany the filing form.
The PCO Declaration of Candidacy Form is available at each County Auditor's Office.
Some County Auditor's websites may not have the downloadable PDF version of the filing form. If the form is not available at your County Auditor's site, do not use another County's downloadable form. For instance, the Snohomish County Auditor's PDF file contains their logo and will not be accepted at other county's offices.
If you mail the PCO Declaration of Candidacy Form to your County Auditor's office, it must be mailed no more than ten (10) days prior to the open filing period. It must also be notarized and the filing payment must accompany the form (make checks payable to the correct County Auditor).
If you would like more information about the PCO position, you can contact your Legislative District Chair.
You may also read the online version of the PCO Handbook
1st Entry
OK, so this morning I am driving my daughter (13) to school and listening to her radio station, KISS 106.1FM. The Jackie and Bender show. Lots of stuff about pop music and celebrities and the general drive by chit chat of morning radio. There is always outrageous stuff to get kids' attention and the usual sexual innuendo sure to amuse the pre to currently pubescent crowd. But then, after one of those news shorts about "your money", this Bender character strikes a nerve. The story was about the Pentagon wasting $100MILLION on airline tickets that never got used nor refunded. Now this struck on two different levels. Of course there is the outrage that our troops are coming home from Iraq on leave and having to buy their own tickets home after they first arrive in the country, yet the Pentagon has let $100MILLION worth of airline tickets go to waste. But the real outrage was the comment that followed. When the discussion turned to what things could be done in the future, Bender suggested that NOBODY CARES because people just pay their taxes and have NO CONTROL OVER HOW THE MONEY IS SPENT. I am not sure of the total listening audience of this station or this program but, according to my daughter, all of her friends discuss this show at great length. They form opinions about people and issues based on the things they hear on this program and many others just like it. This is the next generation of non-voters being created.
Why do people drop out of the process or not even bother to enter the process? Because they are told that they have no influence over the system. Why do they believe that? Because the media tells them so, AND because so many adults have abandoned the system. I told my daughter that I felt Bender had just done his part in turning 100 or 200 young people away from government and politics because of what he had just said. She told me that he was only telling kids the truth. She said that she would vote when she turns 18 but just because she knows I would expect it from her. More of her friends will just ignore the whole process. I told her democracy is hard work and you have to stay actively involved. If you want to influence the way things are done, you need to seek out people who will represent your point of view and spend the money the way you think is appropriate and vote for them. If they don't continue to represent you (she believes they will say anything to get your vote and then will just do what they want when they are in office) you vote them out. A congressman's term is only 2 years. You continue this trend until they take the hint that you are not going away. And then DON'T GO AWAY! You have to assert your influence to have influence.
We have a special obligation this year. Young people are watching like we have not seen since 1968. Howard Dean began a conversation and a movement to bring "the People" back into "We the People". For too long, many of us have stood by and allowed our influence to be diminished due to apathy, frustration, or just plain lazyness. This year we are banded together to fight more than one enemy. George W Bush exists because too many of us have allowed him to exist. I challenge everyone who reads this to do two things; fight for the defeat of George W Bush and, more importantly, reach out to at least one person between 17 and 25 everyday and let them know how important their voice is and why they must become and stay involved. If you have kids, ask them what they listen to and how it is influencing the way they feel about government and politics. Ask them to join you at a Meetup and ask questions. Don't let the Benders of the world be proven right.
Why do people drop out of the process or not even bother to enter the process? Because they are told that they have no influence over the system. Why do they believe that? Because the media tells them so, AND because so many adults have abandoned the system. I told my daughter that I felt Bender had just done his part in turning 100 or 200 young people away from government and politics because of what he had just said. She told me that he was only telling kids the truth. She said that she would vote when she turns 18 but just because she knows I would expect it from her. More of her friends will just ignore the whole process. I told her democracy is hard work and you have to stay actively involved. If you want to influence the way things are done, you need to seek out people who will represent your point of view and spend the money the way you think is appropriate and vote for them. If they don't continue to represent you (she believes they will say anything to get your vote and then will just do what they want when they are in office) you vote them out. A congressman's term is only 2 years. You continue this trend until they take the hint that you are not going away. And then DON'T GO AWAY! You have to assert your influence to have influence.
We have a special obligation this year. Young people are watching like we have not seen since 1968. Howard Dean began a conversation and a movement to bring "the People" back into "We the People". For too long, many of us have stood by and allowed our influence to be diminished due to apathy, frustration, or just plain lazyness. This year we are banded together to fight more than one enemy. George W Bush exists because too many of us have allowed him to exist. I challenge everyone who reads this to do two things; fight for the defeat of George W Bush and, more importantly, reach out to at least one person between 17 and 25 everyday and let them know how important their voice is and why they must become and stay involved. If you have kids, ask them what they listen to and how it is influencing the way they feel about government and politics. Ask them to join you at a Meetup and ask questions. Don't let the Benders of the world be proven right.
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Times On 36th LD House Race: Labor Turns Against Leading House Democrat
Interesting article from the Times on the primary race between Helen Sommers and Alice Woldt in the 36th legislative district for the Position 1 House race.
"The word "no" has caught up with state Rep. Helen Sommers, landing her in the cross hairs of organized labor.
Sommers, 72, is one of the most powerful Democrats in Washington. As chairwoman of the House Appropriations Committee, she has vast influence over who gets money and who doesn't.
During the state's deep recession she's turned down lots of people. "Unfortunately, some of them are very powerful and important Democratic constituencies," said Democratic Party Chairman Paul Berendt."
Read the rest of the article here.
"The word "no" has caught up with state Rep. Helen Sommers, landing her in the cross hairs of organized labor.
Sommers, 72, is one of the most powerful Democrats in Washington. As chairwoman of the House Appropriations Committee, she has vast influence over who gets money and who doesn't.
During the state's deep recession she's turned down lots of people. "Unfortunately, some of them are very powerful and important Democratic constituencies," said Democratic Party Chairman Paul Berendt."
Read the rest of the article here.
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Dear Faithful American,
The torture scandal continues to grow, and with it the outrage of the Arab world. As our leaders continue to blame a few rogue soldiers, a cycle of mutual suspicion and dehumanization between the Arab world and the United States deepens.
We need to send a message directly from the people of the United States , to the people of Iraq and the Arab world, telling them that, as Americans, we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them in demanding justice for these sinful abuses committed in our name.
To do this, we've filmed a television ad with Christian, Jewish and Muslim faith leaders to be broadcast on Arabic-language television in the Middle East. You can view the ad using the link below. If you feel the message expresses what is in your heart, let the world know by endorsing the ad. You can even donate to help put it on the air.
As the number of endorsers grows, we will add that figure to the end of the ad. The more people who endorse the message, the more effective it will be. Please send this e-mail to anyone you think might want to get involved.
The FaithfulAmerica.org Team
P.S. Thanks to Medea Benjamin and Michael Schellenberger for bringing us this powerful idea.
FaithfulAmerica.org is an online community of people of faith who want to build a more just and compassionate nation. Join us! www.faithfulamerica.org
Talmadge Back In The Race? The P-I Thinks So
Ted Van Dyk at the Seattle P-I thinks that Phil Talmadge is considering getting back in the race for Washington State Governor.
"My hunch was that former state senator and Supreme Court Justice Phil Talmadge might be about to re-enter the race for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination. Barring a fresh setback to his health, I think he will."
Talmadge gave a great speech at the State Convention on Saturday that had people whispering that they wished he were still in the race....could it be?
Read the full article here.
"My hunch was that former state senator and Supreme Court Justice Phil Talmadge might be about to re-enter the race for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination. Barring a fresh setback to his health, I think he will."
Talmadge gave a great speech at the State Convention on Saturday that had people whispering that they wished he were still in the race....could it be?
Read the full article here.
Monday, June 07, 2004
A note on Ronald Reagan's passing
On Saturday at the DFA/DFW information table, Delegate Joseph Ruth received a phone call from his brother saying that President Ronald Reagan had died, and that it was all over the news. That announcement spread like wildfire, with various reactions throughout the convention. Many were saddened by the news, some were elated. I have had a similar assortment and diversity of opinion on the email lists. I would like to present my own thoughts to the group.
There have been a lot of books about Ronald Reagan, and I have not read even one of them yet. I was 11 years old when Ronald Reagan won the presidential election of 1980. I grew up watching his administration change the face of the country in many ways, some positive and immediate, some not so positive and long term. But I was proud to be an American during those years, a position shared by most people in the country at that time. I didn't know enough about politics or the long term impacts of what was happening to be able to decide how to react.
Ronald Reagan was a great leader for our country. Part of what made him a great leader was that he energized everyone in the country to work harder to get involved. He was a patriot, he loved the flag, and he had an eternal optimism about our country and our future. People from all sides should recognize that we owe a lot to Ronald Reagan. The fall of the Soviet Union was as much due to the policies of the Reagan administration as their own failing economic system. But what I would like to focus on was not the President or his administration, but the man. Here is a quote from his speech opening the Ronald Reagan library in California:
"In my eighty years, I prefer to call that the forty-first anniversary of my thirty ninth birthday, I've seen what men can do for each other and do to each other, I've seen war and peace, feast and famine, depression and prosperity, sickness and health. I've seen the depth of suffering and the peaks of triumph and I know in my heart that man is good, that what is right will always eventually triumph and that there is purpose and worth to each and every life."
He was right. Mankind can be 'good', and we should remember how Ronald Reagan won the election. "A new day has dawned". It dawned in 1980, and his passing marks the end of an era.
What that means is that this is the beginning of a new era!
President Reagan asked a question during his 1980 campaign; "Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago." Congressman Jim McDermott mentioned this phrase at a town meeting that he held in April. According to McDermott, and I wholeheartedly agree with him, this phrasing of the question empowered the American People to reverse the course launched by John F. Kennedy in 1960. I have a different question to ask, one asked by Howard Dean and many others during the last year and a half.
Are WE better off now than we were 4 years ago?
This is the question the Democratic Party needs to ask the people as they decide to support John Kerry for President in the upcoming election. Are our children learning more now in school, and are they better prepared to be workers in the evolving world economy? Is health coverage available to more people, giving us the foundation of life that lets them pursue liberty and happiness? Is our relationship with our allies in the world community stronger now than it was 4 years ago?
The ends do not justify the means. The means lead us to the result. This is the underlying ideology that we should push forward into the debate. But we have to stand on the foundations built by all of our history, and Ronald Reagan was a vital piece of that foundation. He helped to build the ship, and even though I am still coming to an understanding of how much work we have to do to turn this ship of state around to avoid the rocks, I have to thank Ronald Reagan for helping to build the ship. There is only one more thing to say:
Chad Lupkes
PCO - SEA-46-2324
Seattle, WA
We are the ones that we have been waiting for.
There have been a lot of books about Ronald Reagan, and I have not read even one of them yet. I was 11 years old when Ronald Reagan won the presidential election of 1980. I grew up watching his administration change the face of the country in many ways, some positive and immediate, some not so positive and long term. But I was proud to be an American during those years, a position shared by most people in the country at that time. I didn't know enough about politics or the long term impacts of what was happening to be able to decide how to react.
Ronald Reagan was a great leader for our country. Part of what made him a great leader was that he energized everyone in the country to work harder to get involved. He was a patriot, he loved the flag, and he had an eternal optimism about our country and our future. People from all sides should recognize that we owe a lot to Ronald Reagan. The fall of the Soviet Union was as much due to the policies of the Reagan administration as their own failing economic system. But what I would like to focus on was not the President or his administration, but the man. Here is a quote from his speech opening the Ronald Reagan library in California:
"In my eighty years, I prefer to call that the forty-first anniversary of my thirty ninth birthday, I've seen what men can do for each other and do to each other, I've seen war and peace, feast and famine, depression and prosperity, sickness and health. I've seen the depth of suffering and the peaks of triumph and I know in my heart that man is good, that what is right will always eventually triumph and that there is purpose and worth to each and every life."
He was right. Mankind can be 'good', and we should remember how Ronald Reagan won the election. "A new day has dawned". It dawned in 1980, and his passing marks the end of an era.
What that means is that this is the beginning of a new era!
President Reagan asked a question during his 1980 campaign; "Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago." Congressman Jim McDermott mentioned this phrase at a town meeting that he held in April. According to McDermott, and I wholeheartedly agree with him, this phrasing of the question empowered the American People to reverse the course launched by John F. Kennedy in 1960. I have a different question to ask, one asked by Howard Dean and many others during the last year and a half.
Are WE better off now than we were 4 years ago?
This is the question the Democratic Party needs to ask the people as they decide to support John Kerry for President in the upcoming election. Are our children learning more now in school, and are they better prepared to be workers in the evolving world economy? Is health coverage available to more people, giving us the foundation of life that lets them pursue liberty and happiness? Is our relationship with our allies in the world community stronger now than it was 4 years ago?
The ends do not justify the means. The means lead us to the result. This is the underlying ideology that we should push forward into the debate. But we have to stand on the foundations built by all of our history, and Ronald Reagan was a vital piece of that foundation. He helped to build the ship, and even though I am still coming to an understanding of how much work we have to do to turn this ship of state around to avoid the rocks, I have to thank Ronald Reagan for helping to build the ship. There is only one more thing to say:
Chad Lupkes
PCO - SEA-46-2324
Seattle, WA
We are the ones that we have been waiting for.
Sunday, June 06, 2004
Early State Convention Report from Chad
When I was in the Navy in the early 1990's I used to spend a few weekends during the year at Science Fiction Conventions. They were a lot of fun. The Washington State Democrats Convention in Tacoma this weekend reminded me of that kind of energy. I only attended one of the days (Saturday), so we'll have some additional reports coming from other people when they get back from the elections on Sunday. Please post your comments on this post!
Lawrence, Kelley and I left Seattle around 9am. After an adventure getting Dave Bailey his laptop and a new shirt, we got to Tacoma around 10. The table outside was set up and ready to go. We had a few things to add to the table, but the most important was some of the Howard Dean banners that Kelley had brought from her days at the Washington State Dean for America campaign office. We spread them out on the hill behind the table, and they came in very handy when rain started later in the day.
Here's a picture of the table:
Because this was a state convention, the tables were focused on state level races like Congressional Seats, the Executive Races, a few Supreme Court Justices, Senator Patty Murray and of course, the next president of the US, Senator John Kerry. There were a few other tables there as well.
Right next door to us was Andy Stephenson's campaign table, and then a table for the Backbone Campaign selling T-Shirts. I wasn't there on Friday to watch the parade, but the news reports were all talking about the march of the Backbone Campaign around the convention hall. I'm sorry I missed it. They have a new trick up their sleeve called a Spineless Citation. This is a postcard that you can send to elected officials on any level voicing your opinion of something they did that shows a lack of Spine. Contact them for copies of this postcard so you can voice your opinion to your elected representatives.
We had good discussions about what Democracy for America and Democracy for Washington is working on between now and November, as well as beyond November when the scramble for the White House is over and we can get started on a long term vision. One of the statements that stood out for me was from a Dean delegate from the 7th Congressional District, Joseph Ruth. He turns 18 just before the Election, so he has a pretty good handle on what the youth vote want to see. "I can tell you why Kerry is having trouble getting the youth vote. We can tell the difference between talking loudly and talking with passion."
The Association of Washington's Special Purpose Water & Sewer Districts had a table off in the corner, and the man there had an interesting story to tell. The Association represents 1.1 Million Washington Citizens with 177 local government districts that completely pay for themselves through rates and fees. The existence of these representative districts is what enables the cities to form in the first place. The problem seems to be that not enough people know of their existence, so when the cities form the new government entities can take over the jurisdiction and start charging taxes on these rates and fees which go into the general fund. What he wanted to do was be at the convention to let people know about the existence of the Association and what they do. "Local Government That Works... without taxes."
Mary Stanley was there with the National Women's Political Caucus. She had a wonderful table with jewelry, buttons and bumperstickers, and T-Shirts. Then I heard her say something about campaign training materials on a back table. They had quite a collection of books and pamphlets that are designed to help elect women to public office, but the concepts and techniques can be applied to anyone. DFW picked up two folders from them; the Volunteers Activity Handbook and Campaign Finance Committee Packets. We have permission to make copies of these pamphlets for anyone who wants a copy. Their website has training opportunities around the country, including one in Oregon next January.
The Whatcom County Democrats were there, along with all of the other Counties. What made Whatcom stand out for me was their newspaper. This is a newsletter on real news print called Grassroots, and it is really well done.
The Senate Democratic Campaign Committee was there. They have a special offer from longtime Democratic supporters Jack and Charlotte Spitzer to match contributions to the SDCC dollar for dollar, up to $5,000. Let's help the SDCC turn that offer into reality and get some positive advertising out into our state to help win back the Senate in Olympia!
The League of Education Voters Foundation also had a table with a wonderful report about what is happening to our school systems in this state. You can view the report online. Initiative 871 can do something about the fact that Education Funding has dropped for 13 straight years. We have to do something.
There were a lot of other issues represented, too many to list here. I had a lot of fun, and the overall impression I got was that we are ready for this election in November, and we're ready to Take Back our Party, our State and our Country.
Lawrence, Kelley and I left Seattle around 9am. After an adventure getting Dave Bailey his laptop and a new shirt, we got to Tacoma around 10. The table outside was set up and ready to go. We had a few things to add to the table, but the most important was some of the Howard Dean banners that Kelley had brought from her days at the Washington State Dean for America campaign office. We spread them out on the hill behind the table, and they came in very handy when rain started later in the day.
Here's a picture of the table:
![]() Photo taken by Phil Scroggs |
Because this was a state convention, the tables were focused on state level races like Congressional Seats, the Executive Races, a few Supreme Court Justices, Senator Patty Murray and of course, the next president of the US, Senator John Kerry. There were a few other tables there as well.
Right next door to us was Andy Stephenson's campaign table, and then a table for the Backbone Campaign selling T-Shirts. I wasn't there on Friday to watch the parade, but the news reports were all talking about the march of the Backbone Campaign around the convention hall. I'm sorry I missed it. They have a new trick up their sleeve called a Spineless Citation. This is a postcard that you can send to elected officials on any level voicing your opinion of something they did that shows a lack of Spine. Contact them for copies of this postcard so you can voice your opinion to your elected representatives.
We had good discussions about what Democracy for America and Democracy for Washington is working on between now and November, as well as beyond November when the scramble for the White House is over and we can get started on a long term vision. One of the statements that stood out for me was from a Dean delegate from the 7th Congressional District, Joseph Ruth. He turns 18 just before the Election, so he has a pretty good handle on what the youth vote want to see. "I can tell you why Kerry is having trouble getting the youth vote. We can tell the difference between talking loudly and talking with passion."
The Association of Washington's Special Purpose Water & Sewer Districts had a table off in the corner, and the man there had an interesting story to tell. The Association represents 1.1 Million Washington Citizens with 177 local government districts that completely pay for themselves through rates and fees. The existence of these representative districts is what enables the cities to form in the first place. The problem seems to be that not enough people know of their existence, so when the cities form the new government entities can take over the jurisdiction and start charging taxes on these rates and fees which go into the general fund. What he wanted to do was be at the convention to let people know about the existence of the Association and what they do. "Local Government That Works... without taxes."
Mary Stanley was there with the National Women's Political Caucus. She had a wonderful table with jewelry, buttons and bumperstickers, and T-Shirts. Then I heard her say something about campaign training materials on a back table. They had quite a collection of books and pamphlets that are designed to help elect women to public office, but the concepts and techniques can be applied to anyone. DFW picked up two folders from them; the Volunteers Activity Handbook and Campaign Finance Committee Packets. We have permission to make copies of these pamphlets for anyone who wants a copy. Their website has training opportunities around the country, including one in Oregon next January.
The Whatcom County Democrats were there, along with all of the other Counties. What made Whatcom stand out for me was their newspaper. This is a newsletter on real news print called Grassroots, and it is really well done.
The Senate Democratic Campaign Committee was there. They have a special offer from longtime Democratic supporters Jack and Charlotte Spitzer to match contributions to the SDCC dollar for dollar, up to $5,000. Let's help the SDCC turn that offer into reality and get some positive advertising out into our state to help win back the Senate in Olympia!
The League of Education Voters Foundation also had a table with a wonderful report about what is happening to our school systems in this state. You can view the report online. Initiative 871 can do something about the fact that Education Funding has dropped for 13 straight years. We have to do something.
There were a lot of other issues represented, too many to list here. I had a lot of fun, and the overall impression I got was that we are ready for this election in November, and we're ready to Take Back our Party, our State and our Country.
Two Reports from the Costume Goddess
One from the Seattle Westlake rally yesterday: Photos here: www.costumegoddess.com/antiwar/6-5.htm
This was in solidarity with the big ANSWER rallies in DC, LA, and SF. Ours was small--about 30 participants, organized by the "International Action Center". That could've been because most of the Democratic activists in town, including the DFA people, were at the WA state Democratic Convention in Tacoma. Still, I felt it was important to participate.
Some energizing short speeches and poetry from very motivated activists. They were resentful that the city was charging them $50 for "First Amendment access" permission to hold the rally there. Some speeches about war crimes coming to light, and about withholding income taxes as protest. My sign read "War Crimes--Rumsfeld Must Go" on one side, and "War Crimes--Bush Must Go" on the other.
We got some positive feedback from the public, no negative reactions that I saw. A few mounted cops were keeping an eye on us. A tourist from Slovakia asked me if she could pose with me and hold my sign, while her friend with a video camera photographed it.
DFA June Meetup Report:
Venue Elliott Bay Bookstore. (The fifth DFA Meetup location I've attended! It would be nice to have some continuity.) Attendees included Jason, a national Dean delegate, Kelly, a very active organizer, Kiku (sp?), Wyatt, whom I run into everywhere, Nancy, and some new members. Members introduced themselves and announced various events, such as Axis Of Arts and NoVote Left Behind from the performing arts community, the 21st century Democrats training, GOTV, and MoveOn fundraisers. One man had attended the Robert Reich Town Hall event. Mr. Ramos, who is a new member, told us the story of his son in the Air Force, who ended his life in Iraq in April. There were many tearful eyes.
I think someone (with secretarial experience!) should take minutes at the Meetups, like they do at other formal meetings I attend. That would help us all remember the many topics we cover and people's names. I should've taken notes, myself, and next time I will.
Dina Johnson
This was in solidarity with the big ANSWER rallies in DC, LA, and SF. Ours was small--about 30 participants, organized by the "International Action Center". That could've been because most of the Democratic activists in town, including the DFA people, were at the WA state Democratic Convention in Tacoma. Still, I felt it was important to participate.
Some energizing short speeches and poetry from very motivated activists. They were resentful that the city was charging them $50 for "First Amendment access" permission to hold the rally there. Some speeches about war crimes coming to light, and about withholding income taxes as protest. My sign read "War Crimes--Rumsfeld Must Go" on one side, and "War Crimes--Bush Must Go" on the other.
We got some positive feedback from the public, no negative reactions that I saw. A few mounted cops were keeping an eye on us. A tourist from Slovakia asked me if she could pose with me and hold my sign, while her friend with a video camera photographed it.
DFA June Meetup Report:
Venue Elliott Bay Bookstore. (The fifth DFA Meetup location I've attended! It would be nice to have some continuity.) Attendees included Jason, a national Dean delegate, Kelly, a very active organizer, Kiku (sp?), Wyatt, whom I run into everywhere, Nancy, and some new members. Members introduced themselves and announced various events, such as Axis Of Arts and NoVote Left Behind from the performing arts community, the 21st century Democrats training, GOTV, and MoveOn fundraisers. One man had attended the Robert Reich Town Hall event. Mr. Ramos, who is a new member, told us the story of his son in the Air Force, who ended his life in Iraq in April. There were many tearful eyes.
I think someone (with secretarial experience!) should take minutes at the Meetups, like they do at other formal meetings I attend. That would help us all remember the many topics we cover and people's names. I should've taken notes, myself, and next time I will.
Dina Johnson
Saturday, June 05, 2004
Meet the governor candidates forum
Breakfast meeting with Dino Rossi, Republican; Ron Sims, Democrat; and Ruth Bennett, Libertarian, address African-American clergy, and community activists, leaders and citizens, 9:50 a.m.-noon next Saturday, June 12th. Holy Ground Pentecostal Tabernacle, 3425 Martin Luther King Jr. Way S., Seattle. Information: 206-730-5018. Sponsored by Northwest Christian Leadership Conference, Washington State Regional Council of the Full Gospel Pentecostal Association, and God's Anointed Temple.
Friday, June 04, 2004
A Progressive Opportunity - Your Opportunity - What DFA Means Now
A Progressive Opportunity
Your Opportunity
What DFA Means Now
If you were out in the water in Puget Sound and a boat
was floating near which had a motor and was all gassed
up, the stern emblazoned with "Democracy for America,"
why would you pass it up and just keep treading water?
DFA is an open opportunity set in motion by Howard
Dean but which we must operate if any potential is to
be realized from it to strengthen progressive politics.
We must rise. We must not be content to bemoan our
fate in a landscape dominated by policies promulgated
by leaders who lack vision and which certainly are not
truly progressive.
DFA can be a vehicle that allows a flexible meeting
ground for Democrats, Independents, Greens, and
even moderate Republicans. It can be a place where
a movement can inform and influence public policy
and bring about a more progressive climate.
Democracy for America
What a concept!
Yet, this campaign season has shown, if nothing else,
just how much of a challenge we face if we are to
Take Back America. After Nov 2, the effort will only
be just beginning, whichever way it goes.
So please participate. Make it what you want it to
Meetups will continue. We should focus on taking
stock of the needs in Snohomish County for
building progressive political power.
This started with Howard Dean, but his was a very
broad vision. We welcome any progressive who
wants to participate in our formative process. We
are formulating a grassroots PAC or 527 organization
and are drafting bylaws to prepare for the long haul.
This is "Getting Local". It is also preparing for a
stronger capability in the 2008 presidential
campaign, as well as the possibility of participation
with a democratic Administration after January 2005.
-Stuart Heady
Your Opportunity
What DFA Means Now
If you were out in the water in Puget Sound and a boat
was floating near which had a motor and was all gassed
up, the stern emblazoned with "Democracy for America,"
why would you pass it up and just keep treading water?
DFA is an open opportunity set in motion by Howard
Dean but which we must operate if any potential is to
be realized from it to strengthen progressive politics.
We must rise. We must not be content to bemoan our
fate in a landscape dominated by policies promulgated
by leaders who lack vision and which certainly are not
truly progressive.
DFA can be a vehicle that allows a flexible meeting
ground for Democrats, Independents, Greens, and
even moderate Republicans. It can be a place where
a movement can inform and influence public policy
and bring about a more progressive climate.
Democracy for America
What a concept!
Yet, this campaign season has shown, if nothing else,
just how much of a challenge we face if we are to
Take Back America. After Nov 2, the effort will only
be just beginning, whichever way it goes.
So please participate. Make it what you want it to
Meetups will continue. We should focus on taking
stock of the needs in Snohomish County for
building progressive political power.
This started with Howard Dean, but his was a very
broad vision. We welcome any progressive who
wants to participate in our formative process. We
are formulating a grassroots PAC or 527 organization
and are drafting bylaws to prepare for the long haul.
This is "Getting Local". It is also preparing for a
stronger capability in the 2008 presidential
campaign, as well as the possibility of participation
with a democratic Administration after January 2005.
-Stuart Heady
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Gov. Dean on Live Web Chat, June 9th
A note from Women of DFA:
Governor Dean will host a live web chat on Wednesday, June 9th at 5pm PDT.
The url for the chat will be posted at http://www.blogforamerica.com 10 minutes beforehand.
Questions can be submitted in advance to blog@democracyforamerica.com
Governor Dean will host a live web chat on Wednesday, June 9th at 5pm PDT.
The url for the chat will be posted at http://www.blogforamerica.com 10 minutes beforehand.
Questions can be submitted in advance to blog@democracyforamerica.com
Tuesday, June 01, 2004
Help Stop the Department of Energy's Plan to Leave Highly Radioactive Nuclear Waste in Leaking Underground Tanks
Senator Maria Cantwell's petition letter:
The Honorable Spencer Abraham
The Honorable Bill Frist
The Honorable John Warner
Dear Secretary Abraham, Leader Frist, and Chairman Warner:
We write regarding troubling provisions now included in the Fiscal Year 2005 Department of Defense Authorization bill (S. 2400), which would give the Department of Energy (DOE) authority to reclassify as "incidental" dangerous materials that have been for decades treated as high-level radioactive waste.
As you know, DOE today holds title to about 100 million gallons of high-level radioactive waste, stored in more than 250 leaky underground tanks in the states of Idaho, Washington, New York and South Carolina. This waste is the environmental legacy of our nation's World War II and Cold War efforts, and is situated dangerously close to the Columbia and Savannah Rivers, as well as the Snake River Aquifer. Already in Washington state, DOE estimates that a million gallons of this waste has seeped into the ground and a number of toxic and radioactive chemicals have reached the Columbia River. These bodies of water and their tributaries flow through multiple states and are relied upon by many sectors of our economy, including fishing, farming, shipping and recreational interests. In short, the health of these rivers is a federal concern -- not simply the province of any single state.
Still, it appears that DOE is intent on avoiding its responsibility to clean up the high-level radioactive waste that poses such danger to these rivers. The provisions now included in S. 2400 would give the Department the authority to redefine what constitutes high-level radioactive waste, lower cleanup standards and abandon an indeterminate amount of these toxic materials in place -- in contradiction of 30 years of law and 50 years of scientific consensus.
Even more troubling, this language was included in S. 2400 behind closed doors, without a single legislative hearing in the appropriate Senate committees. We believe the issue of nuclear waste cleanup -- and a shift of federal policy of this magnitude -- should be debated in the light of day, especially given its vast implications for public health and safety.
For these reasons, we ask that you withdraw your support and work to remove the high-level waste reclassification provisions now included in the Fiscal Year 2005 Department of Defense Authorization bill. Thank you for your consideration of this request.
Maria Cantwell
CC:Senator Tom Daschle, Minority Leader
Senator Carl Levin, Ranking Member, Senate Armed Services Committe
The Honorable Spencer Abraham
The Honorable Bill Frist
The Honorable John Warner
Dear Secretary Abraham, Leader Frist, and Chairman Warner:
We write regarding troubling provisions now included in the Fiscal Year 2005 Department of Defense Authorization bill (S. 2400), which would give the Department of Energy (DOE) authority to reclassify as "incidental" dangerous materials that have been for decades treated as high-level radioactive waste.
As you know, DOE today holds title to about 100 million gallons of high-level radioactive waste, stored in more than 250 leaky underground tanks in the states of Idaho, Washington, New York and South Carolina. This waste is the environmental legacy of our nation's World War II and Cold War efforts, and is situated dangerously close to the Columbia and Savannah Rivers, as well as the Snake River Aquifer. Already in Washington state, DOE estimates that a million gallons of this waste has seeped into the ground and a number of toxic and radioactive chemicals have reached the Columbia River. These bodies of water and their tributaries flow through multiple states and are relied upon by many sectors of our economy, including fishing, farming, shipping and recreational interests. In short, the health of these rivers is a federal concern -- not simply the province of any single state.
Still, it appears that DOE is intent on avoiding its responsibility to clean up the high-level radioactive waste that poses such danger to these rivers. The provisions now included in S. 2400 would give the Department the authority to redefine what constitutes high-level radioactive waste, lower cleanup standards and abandon an indeterminate amount of these toxic materials in place -- in contradiction of 30 years of law and 50 years of scientific consensus.
Even more troubling, this language was included in S. 2400 behind closed doors, without a single legislative hearing in the appropriate Senate committees. We believe the issue of nuclear waste cleanup -- and a shift of federal policy of this magnitude -- should be debated in the light of day, especially given its vast implications for public health and safety.
For these reasons, we ask that you withdraw your support and work to remove the high-level waste reclassification provisions now included in the Fiscal Year 2005 Department of Defense Authorization bill. Thank you for your consideration of this request.
Maria Cantwell
CC:Senator Tom Daschle, Minority Leader
Senator Carl Levin, Ranking Member, Senate Armed Services Committe
North Seattle Democracy For America June Meet-Up: A Panty Potluck*
Who: Anyone interested in taking back our country and our democracy.
What: We are a group of dedicated citizens, mostly from the Dean
campaign at this point, who are working to take our country back.
Our group focus is working with the Success by Six program and
volunteering for Treehouse for Kids.
When: Wednesday, June 2nd, 7 PM
Where: The Plut House, 12550 37th Ave NE, Seattle
Why: We meet once a month to create action items (such as Get Out
The Vote events), discuss local and state candidates and to continue
our work to get Success By Six adopted by the state of Washington.
John and I will provide hot dogs and Boca burgers for the BBQ along
with buns and beverages. Please bring a side dish or dessert.
*Please bring a package of underwear, socks and/or bras of any size
to be donated to Treehouse for Kids (wonderful program that provides
goods and services to foster kids, ages 0-18, in our state). These
kids get the clothes on their backs when they are taken from their
homes and are in desperate need of underwear.
RSVP at 361.5052 or thepluts@hotmail.com (also listed on the meet-up
site, http://dfa.meetup.com/413)
Hope to see you at my house for those 2 events and please let me know
if you can make it!
Also, don't forget our mailing list!
What: We are a group of dedicated citizens, mostly from the Dean
campaign at this point, who are working to take our country back.
Our group focus is working with the Success by Six program and
volunteering for Treehouse for Kids.
When: Wednesday, June 2nd, 7 PM
Where: The Plut House, 12550 37th Ave NE, Seattle
Why: We meet once a month to create action items (such as Get Out
The Vote events), discuss local and state candidates and to continue
our work to get Success By Six adopted by the state of Washington.
John and I will provide hot dogs and Boca burgers for the BBQ along
with buns and beverages. Please bring a side dish or dessert.
*Please bring a package of underwear, socks and/or bras of any size
to be donated to Treehouse for Kids (wonderful program that provides
goods and services to foster kids, ages 0-18, in our state). These
kids get the clothes on their backs when they are taken from their
homes and are in desperate need of underwear.
RSVP at 361.5052 or thepluts@hotmail.com (also listed on the meet-up
site, http://dfa.meetup.com/413)
Hope to see you at my house for those 2 events and please let me know
if you can make it!
Also, don't forget our mailing list!
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