Sunday, September 19, 2004

The Progressive Party Platform, 1948


Three years after the end of the second world war, the drums are beating for a third. Civil liberties are being destroyed. Millions cry out for relief from unbearably high prices. The American way of life is in danger. The root cause of this crisis is Big Business control of our economy and government. With toil and enterprise the American people have created from their rich resources the world's greatest productive machine. This machine no longer belongs to the people. Its ownership is concentrated in the hands of a few and its product used for their enrichment. Never before have so few owned so much at the expense of so many. Ten years ago Franklin Delano Roosevelt warned: "The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state. That, in its essence, is fascism." Today that private power has constituted itself an invisible government which pulls the strings of its puppet Republican and Democratic parties. Two sets of candidates compete for votes under the outworn emblems of the old parties. But both represent a single program-a program of monopoly profits through war preparations, lower living standards, and suppression of dissent. For generations the common man of America has resisted this concentration of economic and political power in the hands of a few. The greatest of America's political leaders have, led the people into battle against the money power, the railroads, the trusts, the economic royalists. We of the Progressive Party are the present-day descendants of these people's movements and fighting leaders. We are the political heirs of Jefferson, Jackson and Lincoin, of Frederick Douglass, Altgeld, and Debs, of "Fighting Bob" La Follette, George Norris, and Franklin Roosevelt. Throughout our history new parties have arisen when the old parties have betrayed the people. As Jefferson headed a new party to defeat the reactionaries of his day, and as Lincoln led a new party to victory over the slaveowners, so today the people, inspired and led by Henry Wallace, have created a new party to secure peace, freedom, and abundance.

Betrayal by the Old Parties

The American people want peace. But the old parties, obedient to the dictates of monopoly and the military, prepare for war in the name of peace. They refuse to negotiate a settlement of differences with the Soviet Union. They reject the United Nations as an instrument for promoting world peace and reconstruction. They use the Marshall Plan to rebuild Nazi Germany as a war base and to subjugate the economies of other European countries to American Big Business. They finance and arm corrupt, fascist governments in China, Greece, Turkey, and elsewhere, through the Truman Doctrine, wasting billions in American resources and squandering America's heritage as the enemy of despotism. They encircle the globe with military bases which other peoples cannot but view as -threats to their freedom and security. They protect the war-making industrial and financial barons of Nazi Germany and imperial Japan, to restore them to power. They stockpile atomic bombs. They pass legislation to admit displaced persons, discriminating against Catholics, Jews, and other victims of Hitler. They impose a peacetime draft and move toward Universal Military Training. They fill policy-making positions in government with generals and Wall Street bankers. Peace cannot be won-but profits can-by spending ever-increasing billions of the people's money in war preparations. Yet these are the policies of the two old parties-policies profaning the name of peace. The American people cherish freedom. But the old parties, acting for the forces of special privilege, conspire to destroy traditional American freedoms. They deny the Negro people the rights of citizenship. They impose a universal policy of Jim Crow and enforce it with every weapon of terror. They refuse to outlaw its most bestial expression-the crime of lynching. They refuse to abolish the poll tax, and year after year they deny the right to vote to Negroes and millions of white people in the South. They aim to reduce nationality groups to a position of social, economic, and political inferiority. They connive to bar the Progressive Party from the ballot. They move to outlaw the Communist Party as a decisive step in their assault on the democratic rights of labor, of national, racial, and political minorities, and of all those who oppose their drive to war. In this they repeat the history of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Franco Spain. They support the House Committee on Un-American Activities in its vilification and persecution of citizens in total disregard of the Bill of Rights. They build the Federal Bureau of Investigation into a political police with secret dossiers on millions of Americans. They seek to regiment the thinking of the American people. and to suppress political dissent. They strive to enact such measures as the Mundt-Nixon Bill which are as destructive of democracy as were the Alien and Sedition Laws against which Jefferson fought. They concoct a spurious "loyalty" program to create an atmosphere of fear and hysteria in government and industry. They shackle American labor with the 'Taft-Hartley Act at the express command of Big Business, while encouraging exorbitant profits through uncontrolled inflation. They restore the labor injunction as a weapon for breaking strikes and smashing Unions. This is the record of the two old parties-a record profaning the American ideal of freedom. The American people want abundance. But the old parties refuse to enact effective price and rent controls, making the people victims of a disastrous inflation which dissipates the savings of millions of families and depresses their living standards. They ignore the housing problem, although more than half the nation's families including millions of veterans, are homeless or living in rural and urban slums.

They refuse social security protection to millions and allow only meager benefits to the rest. They block national health legislation even though millions of men, women, and children are without adequate medical care. They foster the concentration of private economic power. They replace progressive government officials, the supporters of Franklin Roosevelt, with spokesmen of Big Business. They pass tax legislation for the greedy, giving only insignificant reductions to the needy. These are the acts of the old parties-acts profaning the American dream of abundance. No glittering party platforms or election promises of the Democratic and Republican parties can hide their betrayal of the needs of the American people. Nor can they act otherwise. For both parties, as the record of the 80th Congress makes clear, are the champions of Big Business.

The Republican platform admits it.

The Democratic platform attempts to conceal it. But the very composition of the Democratic leadership exposes the demogogy of its platform. It is a party of machine politicians and Southern Bourbons who veto in Congress the liberal planks "won" in convention. Such platforms, conceived in hypocrisy and lack of principle, deserve nothing but contempt.

Principles of the Progressive Party

The Progressive Party is born in the deep conviction that the national wealth and natural resources of our country belong to the people who inhabit it and must be employed in their behalf; that freedom and opportunity must be secured equally to all; that the brotherhood of man can be achieved and scourge of war ended. The Progressive Party holds that basic to the organization of world peace is a return to the purposes of Franklin Roosevelt to seek areas of international agreement rather than disagreement. It was his conviction that within the framework of the United Nations different social and economic systems can and must live together. If peace is to be achieved capitalist United States and Communist Russia must establish good relations and work together. The Progressive Party holds that it is the first duty of just government to secure for all the people, regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national background, political belief, or station in life, the inalienable rights proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. The government must actively protect these rights against the encroachments of public and private agencies. The Progressive Party holds that a just government must use its powers to promote an abundant life for its people. This is the basic idea of Franklin Roosevelt's Economic Bill of Rights. Heretofore every attempt to give effect to this principle has failed because Big Business dominates the key sectors of the economy. Antitrust laws and government regulation cannot break this domination. Therefore the people, through their democratically elected representatives, must take control of the main levers of the economic system. Public ownership of these levers will enable the people to plan the use of their productive resources so as to develop the limitless potential of modem technology and to create a true American Commonwealth free from poverty and insecurity. The Progressive Party believes that only through peaceful understanding can the world make progress toward reconstruction and higher standards of living; that peace is the essential condition for safe-guarding and extending our traditional freedoms; that only by preserving liberty and by planning an abundant life for all can we eliminate the sources of world conflict. Peace, freedom, and abundance - the goals of the Progressive Party - are indivisible. Only the Progressive Party can destroy the power of private monopoly and restore the government to the American people. For ours is a party uncorrupted by privilege, committed to no special interests, free from machine control, and open to all Americans of all races, colors, and creeds. The Progressive Party is a party of action. We seek through the democratic process and through day-by-day activity to lead the American people toward the fulfillment of these principles.

Communists and their close allies wrote most of the Progressive Party platform of 1948. These individuals were not a majority of the platform committee, but enough non-Communists agreed with some parts of the party line to allow the Communists to dominate the proceedings. Lee Pressman, who earlier in 1948 had been eased from his position in the CIO national office because of his Communist sympathies, directed the writing of the first or "New York" draft of the platform. University of Chicago's Rexford G. Tugwell, chairman of the platform committee, quietly withdrew from party activity before the election as he came to realize that the Progressive movement was Communist-controlled.

Kirk H. Porter and Donald B. Johnson, compilers, National Party Platforms, 1840-1956 (Urbana, Ill., 1956) pp. 436437.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Dino Rossi

Dino Rossi for Governor:


The following is a good summary of talking points comparing Dino Rossi's new
"run to the middle" TV-spot with his actual State Senate record. Where
DO the Republicans find these phoneys ??


Date: August 31, 2004 - - - PH 206-281-9124

The Great Disconnect - Rossi Sells Bio: But What Did He

SEATTLE – Today, real-estate salesman Dino Rossi took his
sales pitch to the airwaves, launching his first round of
television advertisements statewide. In his new ad, Rossi
talks about his life, his parents, and his work waxing
floors (before his current work waxing over his record).
A man’s bio can tell you where he came from, but where did
he go with it?
For your benefit we’ve put together a little side-by-side
comparing what Rossi says in his ad, his life experience,
with how he legislated.


DINO ROSSI: “I was really blessed to have wonderful

DR LEGISLATION - When the Christian Coalition began pushing
model “parental rights” legislation, Rossi responded by
sponsoring just such a bill in Washington State, SJM 8004.
Opponents of such legislation warned it could “promote suits
against school boards and social service agencies and hinder
child-abuse investigations.”[SJM 8004, New York Times,

DINO ROSSI: “My Mother was from Alaska—left a difficult
situation. Ended up in Holly Park projects. “

DR LEGISLATION - Rossi voted against a bill that would give
unemployment benefits to domestic violence or stalking
victims who must leave their jobs. [SB 5189 3/8/01,
Spokesman Review, 3/9/01]

DR LEGISLATION - Rossi voted against granting a temporary
welfare work exemption to parents with an infant less than
12 months. The measure required parents to attend parenting
or job-skills classes once their child was three-months old.
[HB 1144 3/7/02]

DINO ROSSI: “She worked as a waitress and went to beauty
school and worked her way out of the projects. She never
shied away from hard work.”

DR LEGISLATION - Rossi voted against a measure to allow
welfare recipients to attend college. [SB 6296 3/3/00,
Seattle Times 3/10/00]

DR LEGISLATION - Rossi voted to undermine a voter-approved
initiative that allows the minimum wage to increase each
year with cost-of-living standards. Rossi voted for a bill
that would freeze the wage increase when the state
unemployment rate is above the federal jobless rate. [SB
3/12/03, Associated Press 3/13/03]

DINO ROSSI: “My father was a Seattle public school

DR LEGISLATION - In his 2003 budget, Dino Rossi:
o Undermined a voter-approved initiative to provide
annual cost-of-living increases for teachers. [The Olympian
o Gave only a fraction of the funding to reduce class
size that public schools were slated to receive under
voter-approved Initiative 728. [The Olympian 6/5/03]

DINO ROSSI: “My dad taught me patience.”
Unable to outlaw a woman’s right to choose in 1991 by
working against Initiative 120, Rossi has patiently chipped
away at women’s rights during his time in the Senate.
o Rossi voted against funding for low income
family planning services. [SB 5465, 3/16/99; SB 5186,

o Rossi pushed to fund an abstinence-only sex
education program. [SB 5592, Seattle PI 3/17/97, Seattle
PI 7/24/97, SB 5592 3/15/97]

o Rossi voted twice to mandate parental
notification before abortion. [SB 6290 2/16/98, Seattle
Times 2/17/98, SB 5255 3/19/97, Seattle Times 3/19/97]

o Rossi vote allowed insurance companies to
discriminate against women. [SB 5512 3/9/99, Seattle PI

DINO ROSSI: “My folks couldn’t afford to pay for me to go
to college. So I decided to work waxing floors at the space
needle to make it through school.”

DR LEGISLATION - Rossi’s 2003 budget cut operating funds for
all public higher education institutions by $131 million.
[The Olympian 6/5/03]

DINO ROSSI: “That experience taught me that hard work . . .
pays off.”

Rossi has worked hard to advance the Bush agenda in Washington state. His pay
off? A visit from Dick Cheney that raised over $100,000 for his campaign.


o As Chair of the Ways and Means Committee, Rossi
pushed two memorials that supported President Bush’s
economic agenda. One memorial supported Bush’s 2003
economic plan which analysts said “overwhelmingly
benefit[ed] the wealthy” and would particularly hurt
struggling state governments. The other memorial supported
a repeal of the estate tax, a measure that would drive up
federal deficits by at least $162 billion over ten years in
order to give tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans. [SJM
8006 4/7/03, Washington Post 1/8/03, SJM 8005, New York
Times 6/19/03]

o Rossi co-sponsored and voted for a memorial that
urged the US Senate to confirm Bush’s controversial judicial
nominee, Miguel Estrada. US Senate Democrats had delayed
Estrada’s confirmation because the Bush administration
refused to provide documents on Estrada’s legal work which,
according to Joel Connelly at the Seattle PI, reportedly
showed views “as far to the right as those of Supreme Court
Justice Antonin Scalia” [SJM 8020, Seattle PI 5/14/03]

o Rossi is “opposed to legal abortion.” Rossi’s
position on choice is identical to that of President George
W. Bush. [Washington Law & Politics April/May 2004,
Spokesman Review 12/10/03, New York Times 4/22/04]

VOICE: “Paid for by Rossi for Governor, GOP”

Who pays for Rossi? Rossi's campaign is financed with over
$10,000 from the pharmaceutical industry. Perhaps this
industry remembers how Rossi voted with them to kill
legislation that would give the state bargaining power to
control the escalating costs of prescription drugs.
[, SB 6368 2/18/02, Associated Press 2/19/02)

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Brian Baird for Congressional District 3

Brian Baird is running to keep his seat, and has a primary challenger, Cheryl Crist. Help us collect campaign information below and let's talk about his record.

Brian Baird*

P.O. Box 5016

Vancouver, WA 98668

Phone: 360-696-1993

Fax: 360-696-2013



Alex Alben for Congressional District 8

Alex Alben

PO Box 709

Mercer Island, WA 98040

Phone: (206) 232-2545




Saturday, August 28, 2004

Washington State's 2004 National Delegates!

A Very Heartfelt Thank-You to All who Ran For National Delegate!

On behalf of the Democracy for Washington Community, I would like to say a heartfelt thank-you to all the people who ran to represent the candidate of their choice at the Democratic National Convention. You all put in a lot of diligent and hard work in the events leading up to the Washington State Congressional District Caucuses and are to be commended for stepping up as you did. Thank you for showing us such an inspiring and robust democratic process.

We also congratulate the delegates who were elected in yesterday’s caucuses, and know that the national delegates join us in thanking all the other candidates for making yesterday’s election processes the inspiring events they were.

We look forward to seeing you all next week at the Washington State Convention!

Kelley Bevans

Acting PCO, 36-3318

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Here is the list of Delegates! If you know more than we do, please let us know!

John Kerry Howard Dean Dennis Kucinich
1st CD Luis Moscoso
Dr. Mony Baggett
Jessica Becket
2nd CD Stacy Pederson
Jesse Salomon
Larry A. Kalb
3rd CD Harold Abbe
Norm Banks
Julee Hukee
Nicole Rickets (Alternate)
John Howes
4th CD Scott Brines
Kristin Eby
David E. Molnaa (Alternate)
Ellen (Leni) Skarin
Harold (Hal) Kent III
5th CD Yvette Fox
Yvonne Griffin
Douglas Dobbins
Bob Schlein Diane M. Schmitz
6th CD Julie Bjornsson Chris Karnes
7th CD Lisa Dombe
Georgia Spencer
Greg Rodriguez
_____ Soucey (Alternate)
Janis Traven
Jason Szawatski
D'Adre Cunningham
James I. Mullins
8th CD Lindsay Scola
Yvonne Kinoshita Ward
Thomas Vance
Francisco Irigon
Geni P. Hawkins (Alternate)
Ricardo Polintan
Joanna Decker
9th CD Cherise Luxa
Alan Dahl
At Large


Jeff Smith

Becky Lewis

Jeanne Kohl-Welles

At-large Delegates:

Sarah Schacht

Sylvia Olveda

Ada Santerre-Nigagloni

Romona Brandes

Sameer Kanal

Robert Byrd


Lawrence Winnerman

Wes Hamilton - Delegate

Dian E. Ferguson - Alternate

Hope to hear from everyone during the National Convention in Boston!

John Kerry for President!

In our opinion, and in the opinion of a True Majority of people in the US, this is the most important election in years. How important just depends on your perspective. Some say this is as important as the 1992 election, when Bill Clinton won after 12 years of Republican control. Others think back to 1932, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt swept the entire country, bringing Democrats into the majority for the first time in decades and starting the recovery from the Great Depression. There's even another date that we can consider as equal to this one. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln received the electoral college, and was able to save our country from breaking in two pieces during the Civil War. In some ways, our country is as divided now as it was then, and it's time to start to bring us together and build our nation back into the greatest country on earth, a distinction that has been lost in the last 4 years.

We believe that Senator John Kerry can win the White House in 2004. We believe that he must win to save the institutions and promises that our government has made to us. And the best way that we can do that is to work hard from the bottom up to prove that our government is not dictated to us from the top down.

Will you help us?

Kerry Campaign field organizers are working with supporters across Washington state to lead house parties and build our grassroots movement in the Pacific Northwest. If you are already working with a coordinator in your own district or know who that is, direct people in your district to that person. However, if you need to be matched up with a volunteer activity, call 1-866-ElectJK.

Find the house party in your neighborhood or host your own! 

Contact Mike Leighs at


To find out more about the John Kerry campaign in Washington State,
call the Washington State Democratic Coordinated Campaign at (206)

Want to help spread the word? Get one of the Kerry Kits from and show your family, friends and neighbors what makes us believe that John Kerry is the right choice in November!

The official John Kerry website has lots of features and tools! Here's a good one. Search for events in your area by clicking here and putting in your zipcode. These can be house parties, fundraisers or sign waving parties. Get involved locally to make changes nationally!

Congradulations to the 2004 National Delegates! Let us know who you are so we can post your name on our Delegates page!

This Blog is included in our News Aggregator:

2004 Democratic Platform

Stronger at Home, Respected in the World!

The 2004 National Platform draft is out, and everyone should look at what the vision is from the Democratic Party.

Read it here.

The Washington State Democrats also have a completed platform.

Read it here.

Congressional District Map

Color Key:DemocratsRepublicans

Washington State Congressional Districts

Here's a map of the state using Google Earth with the Congressional districts in color. You can download the source file here (.KMZ).

Friday, August 27, 2004

Seattle Times Endorses Kerry - Two Months Early!

The Seattle Times editorial page, which endorsed George W. Bush four years ago, has seen the light and endorsed John F. Kerry for the presidency! The editorial is well-written, well-reasoned, and should provide strong talking points for us to use when trying to convince "undecided" voters. The fact that they have endorsed more than two months early, and immediately prior to the Republican National Convention in New York should send a clear signal as to how strong their opinion on this matter is. Huzzah!

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

About Democracy for Washington

We are private citizens with a general goal to get more involved in politics. Our country is moving in the wrong direction, and we need to turn this ship around.

Inspired and energized by the Howard Dean campaign in the 2004 Democratic Primary, our dreams of having Howard Dean as the next President were dashed when the voters made a different choice. In our search for answers to the question of how and why this happened, we came into a much better understanding of the entire election process and how we can actually make a difference. When Howard Dean came back to Seattle on March 18th, 2004, we found our focus and our name.

Read Howard Dean's March 18th Speech

Or listen to it on Vermont Public Radio

Howard Dean generated a great deal of support in the Seattle area. His ideas and willingness to stand up to the Radical Right Wing of the Republican Party showed us that we all have the power to make a difference. We've gotten a taste of making that difference, and we're not going to quit. It's too important.

What we are doing

What we are not


In early 2007, DFW took stock on our accomplishments, and found ourselves wanting. We had developed some great infrastructure, but the leadership didn't have the time or energy to build the movement that we needed to see. It was time to evolve. We got in touch with Progressive Majority, and asked for help. They agreed to take responsibility for the financing and legal aspects, while we focus on building tools and infrastructure. DFW became the grassroots arm of Progressive Majority Washington.

Now we are focused on building that arm, and we need your help. Please get in touch with Chad, and get in touch with your neighbors. We can turn this country around, but it's going to take all of us working together.

Get involved with DFW!

The United States is based on the concept that it's involvement BY the people that creates a government OF the people that works FOR the people. {Remember who said something like that?}

Please join us! Here are a few ways that you can do that:

Become a PCO

The Precinct Committee Officer is the front line. If you don't know who your PCO is, in all likelyhood there isn't one for your neighborhood which opens the door for you. Contact your Legislative District Democratic Chair or County Chair and find out what you need to do.

If your precinct already has a PCO, there may well be opportunities to adopt a precinct that doesn't have one for the upcoming election period. Talk to the chair or PCO organizer in your district organization about this if you're interested. For example in the 46th, they recently came looking for folks to adopt some of these orphan precincts. There were at least a dozen such adopters in the room tonight at the PCO/adopter training.

Work on Local Elections

We have elections every single year in Washington State. We elect city council, county council and special district members as well as members of Congress and the State Legislature. Contact your county Democratic Party and find out what seats will be on the ballot, and which ones need help! By getting progressives elected to these local office, we can start getting a field of candidates ready for higher office in the future, and make a real difference in local governments in the meantime.

Join a Presidential Campaign!

2008 is our chance to take back this country once and for all. The Democratic Primary is underway, and any of our candidates are better than any Republican currently running. If you get involved now, your favorite candidate will have an advantage going into the Precinct Caucuses. It's going to take a lot of work this year and next to make this happen, and we need everyone. Join up!

Help your local Legislators in '08

About a third of the Senate and the entirety of the House is going to be on the ballot in 2008. If your State Senator or State Representative will be on the ballot and is a Democrat, contact their office and ask if they intend to run again in 2008. Those local campaigns need all the help they can get, both financially and efforts to get out the vote. If you can become the PCO for your Precinct, you can arrange to have the candidate get together with your neighbors at a house party or some other more formal venue. Any help or suggestions that you can give them on how they can better connect with supporters would be most welcome.

If the Senator or Representataive from your Legislative District is a Republican, contact the local Democratic Party, and ask if they have the name and contact information for a Democrat who is willing to run for that seat. If they do, see the above paragraph. If they don't, give them your name!

Run for Office!

No, we're not kidding! If you're not in a Democratic District or a Swing District, you might be wondering what the point of running for office is. It's very simple; the only way that people will hear the message of the Progressive Movement through the Democratic Party is if people stand up and say it. Even if you don't win the election, you'll give a chance for people to hear your message and vote their heart instead of standing to the side and let other people make the decisions for them. Races where there are multiple people on the ballot always generate more interest.

Don't forget to VOTE!

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

New DFA Bat!

Hi everyone!

We are all committed to fundamental change in our state and our country, and I thought I would start to use the tools available at Democracy for America's website to help make it happen.

This is a DFA fundraising bat that I created on their website in DFW’s name. The money goes to DFA, but is specifically identified as coming from activists in Washington, or at least people who went to the Washington State site to make their donation. Will you join me by making a contribution?

I have set a personal fundraising goal of $500. Every dollar goes to support grassroots candidates, organizer trainings, and getting out our message of common sense, hope, and empowerment. We're taking back the White House, the Senate and the US House, and then we're going to take back Washington State one race at a time!

You can track the progress of this drive at our DFA fundraising page:

Let's show DFA that Washington deserves more attention!

More information about our new CivicSpace website coming soon! Thanks for all you do!

Saturday, August 21, 2004

How long will our oil supply last?

The End of Ancient Sunlight (i.e. it's about oil)

by Thom Hartman

Here's an interesting but simple math problem (from a sidebar article in Yes, current issue, p. 39):

Say we have a 100 year supply of oil at the current rate of use. If demand increases 5% per year, the oil supply will last only 36 years.

If we underestimated our oil reserves and we have instead a 1,000 year supply at current use, then how many years do we have if demand increases 5% per year? Answer: 79 years.

Say we vastly underestimated our reserves and we have 10,000 years left at the current rate of use. How many years do we have left if demand increases 5% per year? Answer: 124 years.


New Meetup Script

Ok, this might be silly to some people, but I'm stoked! Type in your zipcode over to the right, and see what meetups are happening. This is not limited to Washington State, either, so tell your friends.

Friday, August 20, 2004

First Civicspace Entry

I finally got CivicSpace to work! I had some trouble with permissions thanks to the way the .htaccess file was configured, and this is the first time I have actually been able to get a MySQL connection working.

So, the next step is to figure out what the modules are and how to use them. Please let me know your ideas!

News Feeds

Ok, I'm getting more familiar with the Drupal engine. I've added several newsfeeds from various places, and they work great! I'm also very annoyed that most of the Washington State campaigns don't have feeds at all. Something to work on.

Anyone have suggestions for content? Please let me know!

National Media Links

ABC News
47 W. 66 St., New York, NY 10023
Phone: 212-456-7777
D.C. Bureau phone: 202-222-7777
General e-mail:

ABC World News Tonight with Peter Jennings:
Phone: 212-456-4040
Fax: 212-456-2795

1717 DeSales St., NW, Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-222-7000

147 Columbus Ave., 10th fl, New York, NY 10023
Phone: 212-456-2020
Fax: 212-456-0533

ABC's Good Morning America:
147 Columbus Ave., New York, NY 10023
Phone: 212-456-5900
Fax: 212-456-7257

CBS News
524 W. 57 St., New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212-975-4321
Fax: 212-975-1893
D.C. Bureau phone: 202-457-4385

CBS Evening News with Dan Rather:
Phone: 212-975-3691 or 202-457-4385
Fax: 212-975-1893

The Early Show:
Phone: 212-975-2824
Fax: 212-975-7133 or 212-975-2033

60 Minutes:
555 W. 57th St., New York, NY 10019-2985
Phone: 212-975-2006
Fax: 212-757-6975

60 Minutes II:
Phone: 212-975-6200

2200 Fletcher Ave.
Fort Lee, NJ 07024
Phone: (201) 585-2622
Fax: (201) 583-5453

One CNN Center, Box 105366, Atlanta, GA 30303-5366
Phone: 404-827-1500
Fax: 404-827-1906

CNN Washington Bureau
820 First St. N.E., Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 202-898-7900
Fax: 202-898-7923

Phone: 202-898-7655
Fax: 202-898-7611

Larry King Live
Phone: 202-898-7690
Fax: 202-898-7686

Fox News Channel
1211 Ave. of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
Phone: (212) 301-3000
Fax: (212) 301-4229

One MSNBC Plaza
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Phone: (201) 583-5000
Fax: (201) 583-5453

30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112
Phone: 212-664-4444
Fax: 212-664-4426

Washington Bureau
4001 Nebraska Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20016
Phone: 202-885-4200
Fax: 202-362-2009

NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw:
Phone: 212-664-4971 or 202-885-4259
Fax: 202-362-2009 E-mail:

NBC News' Today:
Phone: 212-664-4602 or 202-885-4231
Fax: 212-664-4426

Dateline NBC
Phone: 212-664-7501
Fax: 212-664-7864

Public Broadcasting

1320 Braddock Place, Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703-739-5000
Fax: 703-739-8458

The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
3620 South 27th St., Arlington, VA 22206
Phone: 703-998-2150

National Public Radio
635 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20001-3753
Phone: 202-513-2000
Fax: 202-513-3329
E-mail: Jeffrey Dvorkin, Ombudsman

All Things Considered:
Phone: 202-513-2110

Morning Edition:
Phone: 202-513-2150
Fax: 202-513-3329

National Newspapers

Los Angeles Times
202 West First Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Phone: 800-528-4637 or 213-237-5000
Fax: 213-237-4712

New York Times
229 W. 43rd St., New York, NY 10036
Phone: 212-556-1234
Fax: 212-556-3690
D.C. Bureau phone: 202-862-0300

USA Today
1000 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22229
Phone: 800-872-0001 or 703-276-3651
Fax: 703-247-3108

Wall Street Journal
200 Liberty St., New York, NY 10281
Phone: 212-416-2000
Fax: 212-416-2658

Washington Post
1150 15th St., NW, Washington, DC 20071
Phone: 202-334-6000
Fax: 202-334-5269

Associated Press
50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020
Phone: 212-621-1500
Fax: 212-621-7523
D.C. Bureau phone: 202-776-9400


251 W 57th Street, New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212-445-4000
Fax: 212-445-5068

Time & Life Bldg., Rockefeller Center, New York, NY 10020
Phone: 212-522-1212
Fax: 212-522-0323

U.S. News & World Report
1050 Thomas Jefferson St., Washington, DC 20007
Phone: 202-955-2000
Fax: 202-955-2049

DFA2 House Parties! Sept. 2nd is the first!

On September 2nd, Democracy for America is organizing nationwide house parties during President Bush’s speech to the Republican National Convention. While George Bush is speaking to his base of corporate executives, special interests and other elites gathered at the Republican Convention in New York, Governor Dean will spend the evening with his base of grassroots volunteers across America. Governor Dean will be participating via a conference call.

The proceeds will support DFA as well as another group of your choice that is working to elect progressive candidates. Any house party which raises over $500 will have the opportunity to tell DFA how to spend this money -- DFA will send 50% of what you raise to a candidate or organization suggested by you.

For the night of September 2nd to be successful, we need to organize house parties in as many cities as possible.

When you sign up to host a party, you will be given information about setting up a house party BAT for those who wish to contribute to your house party but will not be able to attend.

After you have signed up, don't forget to post it here in the Washington section.

This is a great opportunity to get people involved again. If you have lists, get them out and use them.

Let's take our country back!

Carol Cates
DFA-WA state contact

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Announcing GOTV Training in Seattle!

Wellstone Action Fund Announces Special 2-Day Training in Seattle:
Get-Out-The-Vote The Wellstone Way

You are invited to an intensive get-out-the-vote (GOTV) training
sponsored by the Wellstone Action Fund. This 2-day practical skills
training will be held on September 11 and 12 in Seattle and is designed
especially for individuals and non-profit organizations doing
non-partisan voter registration, education and mobilization.

The late Senator Paul Wellstone was deeply committed to citizen activism
and engagement in the political process. He believed that ordinary
people need to organize and develop the skills necessary to be effective
participants in their community and nation. This training program draws
heavily from the lessons passed on to us from Paul Wellstone.

This training will have an exclusive focus on the final push to
get-out-the-vote, including the elements of an effective, energetic and
winning GOTV effort. It will cover work at the door, on the phone,
recruiting volunteers, absentee ballot and early vote rules, vote by
mail programs and working with the media. The training will also provide
a step-by-step guide for mobilizing voters in the final weeks before the
election and on Election Day itself.

Many groups and individuals have been doing exciting and innovative work
to register and educate voters. Now is the time to bring it all together
by motivating people to get to the polls.

To sign up online, click on the link below, or visit

GOTV The Wellstone Way - Seattle: September 11 & 12, 2004

If you have questions about the training, contact Stephanie Zawistowski at, or call 202.546.6752.

Monday, August 16, 2004

America Votes "Summer Days of Action" - August 21, 2004

"AMERICA VOTES is a national coalition of the largest grassroots organizations in the country, representing over 20 million Americans."

America Votes has organized events for Washington in Bremerton, Burien, Kent, Seattle, and Tacoma for August 21, 2004.

If you will be in any of these areas and would like to help register voters, please click here to sign up.

If you know someone in another state that might be interested, please check here.

This is an excellent opportunity to get involved with voter registration if you haven't done so before. It's also great if you have done voter registration and want to have some fun, too

Friday, August 13, 2004

This DNC Video is cool!

-----Original Message-----
From: Dana / WebTalk Radio []
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 10:12 AM
To: Democracy for Washington
Subject: The Music Video of the Democratic National Convention

Hi ...

I live in University Place, WA and co-host a technology talk show on the radio and on the web.

I thought you'd be interested in how the Democratic National Convention inspired me. I made this 3-min. music video about the convention and thought, if you liked it, you might include it on your site.

The Music Video of the Democratic National Convention:

Watch Kerry-Edwards Democratic National
Convention music video (3:37)
Streaming video; must have Windows Media player
Hi (1128k, T1/Cable)
Med (212k, Cable/DSL)
Low (100k, Dial-up)
Download version: (28.5 MB)

The direct link to the video page is here:
Dana Greenlee
Office/Studio: 253.566.9356
Mobile: 253.640.0164
WebTalkGuys Radio Show
LoudVox Productions

Clark County Young Democrats' Bus Project Trip

-----Original Message-----
From: Clark County Young Democrats []
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 6:27 AM
To: 'Chad Lupkes'
Subject: August 22nd -- A Bus Project Event

Hi Guys:
Think we can get the information below posted on Democracy for Washington?
Thanks muchly for considering this!

Hi Everyone:

It’s time for another Bus Project Trip as we continue our efforts to change the majority in the Washington State Senate, while preserving our majority in the state House! Please sign-up today for our next trip, which takes place on August 22nd! Pick-up times are below. Meals will be provided to everyone who volunteers and we’ll finish off the day with a celebration at the home of one of our local state legislators.

Please share this invitation with anyone you think may be interested in joining us – if you can’t make this trip, but are still interested, contact me for a copy of our schedule and sign-up for a future trip today!
See you soon!

A state lacking responsible leadership is on a road to nowhere.

You deserve a state with greater vision.

Join the Clark County Young Democrats’ Bus Project to work for a Washington where:

· A thriving economy and a healthy environment are not considered mutually exclusive – and we have both
· Our education system is world-class and Higher Education is available and accessible to all
· Quality Health Care is a right, instead of something restricted to a privileged few
· All people are treated fairly regardless of their age, gender, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation

If we elect the right leaders, all of this possible. Help make it happen by working with us on a campaign where your time will make the critical difference.

We’re picking up volunteers on Sunday, August 22nd.
You can catch the bus at the following locations:

Pierce County: Federal Way Park and Ride at 9:00 AM.
Thurston County: Martin Way Park and Ride at 10:00 AM.
Cowlitz County: Highlander Bowl Parking lot at 11:00 AM.

Don’t Wait! RSVP to or call Hillary at 360-891-0973 to reserve your seat!

Get on the Road for a Better Washington!
You Deserve it.

Hillary Hunt
President, Clark County Young Democrats
Southwest Washington Regional Organizer, Young Democrats of Washington
(360) 609-2393

Monday, August 09, 2004

Skagit County Progressives

Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2004 5:44 PM
Subject: Subscribe and website for Skagit

We are a group of people whom have come together after being supporters of Howard Dean and Dennis Kucinich and have made a progressive Coalition in Skagit County. We do our voters registration drives and have now more progressives as PCO running then ever before.

Thank you, Erna

Action item: Please take a look at their website, and send them a good hearty DFW welcome!

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Same-sex marriage ruled legal in Washington state

Same-sex marriage ruled legal in Washington state

By Sanjay Bhatt
Seattle Times staff reporter

Washington state's Defense of Marriage Act, which limits marriage to one man and one woman, violates the state Constitution, King County Superior Court Judge William Downing ruled today.

Read the entire article:

Please post your comments below! To post a comment, click the "comments" link at the end of this post, then click the "post a comment" link. You will be re-directed to the Blogger site to sign in or set up a free account. Once you do that, you can compose your comment in the text box and click the "publish comment" button to post your question.

Monday, August 02, 2004

Too DEAN-like?

Have you heard anything from Kerry campaign people referring to Howard Dean and his team of supporters as a ‘joke’ or a souce of ‘jokes’?

I understand that many ‘establishment’ Democrats were uncomfortable with Dean and …… that’s OK. But it must be recognized that it wasn’t BECAUSE of Kerry that our caucus’ where recordbreaking. In fact, Kerry wasn’t very well organized in this state.

So when a local supporter of a 4th congressional candidate in a Letter to the Editor of our local paper tried to disparage a progressive candidate in favor of their more moderate Democratic candidate, she claimed that the progressive candidate was TOO DEAN-LIKE! Too Dean-like? Gee I guess we better look out for those Dean-like candidates. They must be rabid nuts or something. Heh … maybe their supporters are a little wacky too.

I’ve even heard that if Kerry is elected … there will be a purge of Dean supporters from leadership positions in the party.

Is anyone else picking up such vibes?

Friday, July 30, 2004

8th Legislative District Candidate Rick Dillender

Dear Friends and fellow lovers of Democracy,

I would like to tell you how heartfelt your encouragement and
support is. Eastern Washington is a very difficult area to campaign
in. The Progressives here often feel like cowboys circling the wagons
to fend off the conservatives, and it requires very bold steps to
take the offensive in this race. However difficult the struggle,
though, the efforts must be made. Washington is an important swing
state in this election and one of the main battle lines is here in
our district. The conservatives realize this as well. They are
concerned enough to send Dick Cheney to fundraise and stump speech
this past Monday for the Republican candidates here and in Yakima on
Friday. We organized a protest against his presence here in the Tri-
Cities, and there is one scheduled for Friday as well. I encourage
anyone who can attend to make the trip to Yakima and show Cheney and
his cronies that he won't get our State without a fight. Cheney's
wife was quoted as saying, "Washington is a very important state to
us", and that an exceptionally strong showing in conservative Central
Washington would be needed to win. We do not intend to let that
happen. Energized candidates have stepped up to remind people that a
progressive vote is a vote for Personal Liberty, and that the
Democratic Party is the Party of the People. Your gestures of support
have helped remind us that we are not in this alone. Progressive
people are part of a large family, and it is wonderful to have others
speak up on our behalf.
Keep in mind that this race is not just about the future of the
national elections. Our District fields 2 Legislative seats and 1
Senate seat in Olympia. In my race for Seat 1, my closest rival is
Monte Benham, a man who wants to have the 1892 Webster's dictionary
taught in schools again (the version that uses bible scripture to
demonstrate grammar and word usage). He is also for cutting more
funding out of the public education system and funneling it into
religiously oriented charter schools, as well as cutting taxes at the
expense of our already stretched social support programs. If this man
is elected, the effects will reverberate throughout the State, not
just in the 8th District. All of our communities are at risk. I ask
you to provide whatever assistance you can in this fight for the
future of Washington State. As with any campaign, funding is our most
dire need, as my opponents have almost $18,000 between them to spend
on their campaigns. However, funding is only the vehicle to reach the
voters. Many other types of support can make the difference as well.
Letters to the editor in the Seattle papers (which are distributed
here) would be great. If anyone would like to provide printing
services or would like to purchase a batch of yard signs, we need
them. If anyone has the means to donate goods, food, or wine for
fundraisers, make or purchase buttons, or even use their home
computers to print fliers and literature for us, it all makes a
difference. I would also encourage you to contact the people you know
at the State Party level and ask them to support us in our fight
against the conservative push for this area. The Republicans are
putting a lot of resources into trying to win Washington by taking
the East, and it will take a concerted effort on the part of all free-
thinking people in our state to fend them off. Thank you for all your
support and effort, and know that you have given us new energy and
enthusiasm to carry on the fight for our cause.

Your Candidate
Rick Dillender
State Representative
8th LD - Seat 1
The Committee to Elect Rick Dillender
1900 Stevens Dr. #411
Richland, WA 99354

P.S. - Anyone interested in going to Yakima for the Protest Friday
should contact Margaret Munro at 509-946-0955 or just show up. The
rally will be a couple of blocks east of the high school, so I'm

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Latest Zogby poll!!

Wow, how about that turnaround thanks to bringing Edwards onto the ticket!

Zogby Polls: The Electoral College Race So Far:





President George W. Bush





MA Sen. John Kerry





I have the entire report in case you're interested. Let me know!

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Get your Kerry Kits!

For those of you who aren't subscribed to the mailing list, MoveOn has put together a "Kerry Kit" that they will send to you for $3 (only to cover shipping and handling), which contains a DVD and a number of useful tools to help promote the candidacy of John Kerry.

Let's spread these around and get the Democratic message out. This is a great idea for house parties!

Medicare proposes changes in Medicare

This shot across my bow came in yesterday. I survived cancer last year thanks to the availability of chemotherapy, but my insurance required me to travel 30 miles north instead of the cancer specialists office nearly across the street. Now Medicare wants to cut $530 million dollars from the payments they make to oncologists, forcing more and more patients to travel further, as well as forcing oncologists to plan cuts in their availability.

I'm not pulling punches. The Bush administration is contemplating murder of US citizens. If you know of anyone who has cancer, had cancer, or has a family member who has or had cancer, this President has aimed his tax cut guns directly at them.

Action item: Medicare is accepting comments on this policy change until September 24th. Write letters to everyone you know, and let's get people motivated on this issue!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Howard Dean's Speech!

Hey, what did everyone thing of Howard Dean's speech!! We gathered at the Coordinated Campaign office on Westlake, and watched through the website. We saw Lawrence, Jason and Shana on the TV broadcast! His speech was fantastic, and the conference call afterwards was great! Many questions came up on how we can motivate the grassroots, keep them involved, and what we're going to be doing after November. We're going to win, but our work is only just beginning.

Please enter your comments on the speech, and add your own comments and questions about what we're going to do for the Democratic Grassroots in Washington State!

You have the power!

Chad Lupkes

Virtually There: The 2004 DNC Journal

Virtually There (The 2004 Democratic National Conv's Journal

I'm live in Boston, and Ellen Meserow and I are posting to the VirtuallyThere2004 blog. Come read what we've got to say, and all the quirky little observations we've got about Boston. Red Sox, the rain, the party atmosphere, the Party atmosphere, security, "free speech zones" - we've got an opinion about everything. As a special treat, I've been upgraded from alternate to delegate (for the last two days, at least) and many of my posts are written live on the floor of the convention (tho' they may be posted later - the WiFi in the Fleet sucks so far). Come check us out!

Friday, July 23, 2004

DFA-Snohomish Old Fashioned Grassroots Picnic

   On Saturday, July 24th, a small group of inspired Howard Dean Democrats will be launching what we hope will become a major force for Progressive reform in Snohomish County. At McCollum Park in Everett, DFA-Snohomish (PAC) will be playing host to an old fashioned Grassroots Picnic from Noon til 4. There will be music (headlining will be Jim Page) and speakers (including former gubernatorial candidate Phil Talmadge) and, hopefully, much outreach and Progressive conversation.
   Everyone is invited. It is "brown bag" and, while the event is free, $5 county parking fees apply. Hope to see many of you there.

McCollum Park is about a mile east of the 128th Street exit off I-5. We will be at a sheltered area just inside the park entrance.

Chad Shue

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

National Platform Committee: Washington State Made A Difference

(continued from prior post)

We were working in conjunction with the Progressive Caucus (mostly Kucinich folks, really) whom we knew were going to violate the Kerry campaign mandate that nobody amend the Iraq portion of the platform. As that was the case, we focused on making the platform goal-oriented on domestic policy issues.

Well, I don't know what the Kerry folks were thinking, as they had anticipated only around 50 amendments; at the end of Friday by the 6pm deadline they had 230. It was looking like we were in for a long day on Saturday.

Through some smart whip action and negotiation, tho', the Kerry team managed to incorporate a great many amendments into the manager's amendments - eliminating the need for lengthy (televised) debate on some contentious issues. Apparently they were up all night, calling folks and striking deals.

Through virtue of the fact that we were staying offsite, and Hue turning off his cell phone, we didn't have to negotiate until Saturday morning. This meant that most of our amendments actually did get raised on Saturday, and despite some setbacks on energy independence (we were informed that goal lanuage on CAFE standards was specifically to be avoided on the platform--read: we don't want to piss off Michigan), we managed to get stronger language regarding the Patriot Act, civil liberties, global warming, and gender equity into the platform.

Additionally, we were able to introduce debate as to voter-verified paper ballots and instant runoff voting into the record. Finally, the Kucinich folks were extremely happy that they were able to get language regarding troop reduction in Iraq into the platform as well. Major props to them for defying the instructions and sticking to their guns (ahem!).

Overall it was a great experience, and a fascinating process to see behind-the-scenes. I'd say that we took a platform that was a C term paper and turned it into a solid B+ document. It's not as specific as I'd like, but I understand that it has to be all things to all Democrats, regardless of region. Plus, I've got to give it props for addressing issues I thought it would ignore: gay marriage, biodiesel, energy independence, native lands, etc...

"Strong at Home, Respected in the World"...get ready to campaign on this theme, folks...I think it can be a winner...

(update: today I'm seeing that the theme is now "Stronger at Home, Respected in the World". Leave it to some wonk to worry that people would think Democrats were dissing the strength of the US...)

Monday, July 12, 2004

Smith fumbles the ball!

Tonight (7-12-2004) Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA 9th CD) made a failed attempt to explain his vote to defeat Bernie Sanders "Freedom of Reading" Amendment in the US House. While I commend Rep. Smith for reaching out with a conference call to a number of concerned citizens, in the end it appeared to me that the congressman is so sold on showing courage in the face of the terroist threat that selling out some of our civil liberties is a small price to pay.
Basically what he told us was that, A): he had been informed by the Congressional Reporting Service that there was a "probable cause" statute that would protect us from abuse. This claim was promptly rebuked by the representative of the ACLU who was in on the call; B): Jane Harman (ranking Democrat on the Intelligence Committee) told him it was ok to buck the entire Democratic Caucus (191 Democrats voted in favor of the amendment) because the entire Patriot Act would be back before the congress next year anyway; and C): if it weren't for the fact that John Ashcroft is Attorney General, this probably wouldn't be such a bad law. (This sentiment seems to run through the thinking of John Kerry as well, as the only negative comments I could find about the PA on his website had to do with how bad Ashcroft is).
There were many voices rising up in opposition to Rep. Smith. Many from the membership of this very group. Each one took the congressman to task for failing to understand the purpose of the amendment as well as the Patriot Act as a whole. In the end, we are left with how we got here. "What I want to know is................."

The Left Shue

National Platform Committee Report: Hooray for Hollywood! (Florida)

At the last minute I was drafted by the Backbone Campaign to fly to Hollywood, Florida with Jason Sawatzki (7th CD Dean Delegate) and Hue Beattie (WA State Dean Platform Committee Member). Having never been involved in national platform creation, I had no idea what to expect.

After arriving with no sleep on a red-eye, we made our way to the Westin Diplomat Hotel - a five-star monstrosity right on the beach. We arrived Friday morning, and had until 6pm to submit our amendments to the platform - which had only been released days before. The platform, by the the way, is themed "Strong at Home, Respected in the World". Expect to hear that meme a lot in the next months.

After hours of feverishly force-ranking and crafting our issues, we had 17 amendments to submit - from energy independence goals, to civil right protections, to corporate personhood issues. We also had two amendments regarding voting issues near and dear to us in WA - voter-verified paper ballot on electronic voting machines, and the introduction of instant runoff voting.

I'll let you know what happened next in my next post!

Friday, July 09, 2004

4th CD Candidate Forum

Hi everyone,

This post was originally a comment on the 8th CD Forum post, but we thought it deserved it's own thread. Please, if you're in the 4th District and you attended the event on July 7th, post your comments here! We want to hear from everyone all over the state.

TRI-CITIES -- Democracy for America is certaily alive and well in Eastern Washington! One of our most spirited Democracy for America sponsored events took place July 7th with our 4th CD Candidate Forum. Over 75 people turned out to listen and watch our three Democratic candidates go head-to-head vying for the opportunity to defeat the Republican incumbent congressman Doc 'rubber stamp republican' Hastings from the 4th CD.

We turned out not only DFAers but many interested Democrats who've never come to a DFA sponsored activity before! Our format required the early submittal of written questions and we invited a recognized local TV news anchor to moderate the event. In sequence each candidate was given a randomly selected question and 3 minutes for a response, the audience was allowed one follow up question with the candidate allowed 2 minutes for a response.

The moderator then followed with a new question to the next candidate. Each question was selected at random, and each candidate had random chance to pull the same question previously answered by another candidate or a new one. It worked very well; though some of the follow-up questions strayed off-topic of the initial question/response. We avoided some of the drawbacks of 'debates' and the kind of animus that can occasonally develop between candidates. I think the Forum showcased the best qualities of each candidate and allowed the audience a good sense of what each was all about.

There was such interest in the event that we may just do it again, later in the year! I'd enjoy reading about what some of the other DAFers did for their Forums, as in the 8th CD.

--> Originally posted by Paragon @ 1:38 PM

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

John Kerry chooses John Edwards as his VP

Dear {Democracy for Washington},

In just a few minutes, I will announce that Senator John Edwards will
join me as my running-mate on the Democratic ticket as a candidate for
vice president of the United States. Teresa and I could not be more
excited that John and Elizabeth Edwards will be our partners in our
journey to make America stronger at home and respected in the world.

You are the heart and soul of our campaign. You've shattered records
and expectations every step of the way. Every time someone said you
couldn't do it, you proved them wrong. Because of your incredible
grassroots energy and commitment, I wanted to make the first official
announcement of my decision to you -- more than one million online
supporters at

I want you to know why I'm excited about running for president with
John Edwards by my side. John understands and defends the values of
America. He has shown courage and conviction as a champion for middle
class Americans and those struggling to reach the middle class. In the
Senate, he worked to reform our intelligence, to combat bioterrorism,
and keep our military strong. John reaches across party lines and
speaks to the heart of America -- hope and optimism. Throughout his
own campaign for President, John spoke about the great divide in this
country -- the "Two Americas" -- that exists between those who are
doing well today and those who are struggling to make it from day to
day. And I am so proud that we're going to build one America together.

In the next 120 days and in the administration that follows, John
Edwards and I will be fighting for the America we love. We'll be
fighting to give the middle class a voice by providing good paying
jobs and affordable health care. We'll be fighting to make America
energy independent. We'll be fighting to build a strong military and
lead strong alliances, so young Americans are never put in harm's way
because we insisted on going it alone.

I can't tell you how proud I am to have John Edwards on my team, or
how eager I am for the day this fall when he stands up for our vision
and goes toe-to-toe with Dick Cheney.

This is the most important election of our lifetime, and a defining
moment in our history. With you by our side every day of this
campaign, John and I will lead the most spirited presidential campaign
America has ever seen, and fight to lead our nation in a new and
better direction.

Thank you,

John Kerry


Please comment on this decision by John Kerry here on our Blog!

Friday, July 02, 2004

July 13th: Nationwide "Computer Ate My Vote" Day of Action

DFA and Verified Voting are coordinating this event to bring attention to the problems with paperless, electronic voting.

The Nationwide "Computer Ate My Vote" Day of Action rally in Washington State will be held in Everett, Washington. It will be at Matthew Parsons Park on the corner of Wall St. and Rockefeller Ave, across the street from the Snohomish county administration buildings. The rally will begin at 11:00am and end at approximately Noon.

More information will be posted at Verified Voting's Washington page as it becomes available.

You are invited to attend and participate. If you have questions or would like to help, please email Julie or Carol

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Fahrenheit 9/11 thread

Did you go to one of our shows? Did you see it somewhere else? What did you think - did we put on a good show? What could we do better next time?

And equally importantly, what'd you think of the movie? I fought tears at times, cheered lustily with the crowd at times, and found occasional pieces of news that I hadn't heard before. Comment and let us know what you thought!

And, really, thanks to the volunteers who worked so hard to make things run smoothly (and Peter Hannah, the volunteer coordinator), all the DFW team who busted butt for two weeks to get things going and keep me calm, Jay Inslee for doing so much to make this event happen, and most importantly, to YOU, for attending, for joining us in a reunion of sorts, for celebrating with us, and for contributing to our future success. You are DFW, and you all make events like this a success. Thank you!

Friday, June 25, 2004

Kristiana Henderson - the face of Democracy's future!

Kristiana Henderson wrote me today, and asked for our help. She's fourteen years old and lives in Western Washington. She took part in an essay-writing contest called "Gavel in the Future" with the Democratic National Committee. The two winners of the contest will have the opportunity to gavel in the Democratic National Convention next month. Out of 400 entries, Kristiana's essay, "Tomorrow is Now", is one of ten finalists, and she's the only finalist West of the Mississippi river!

Kristiana wrote an extremely great essay, and would be a great representative of DFW at the convention! I'm sure our Washington Dean delegation would be thrilled to look after her in Boston. Please visit Kristiana's website, and be SURE to vote for her at the convention website so she can represent Washington state in Boston! This is our chance to send one of our own without jumping through party hoops (not that we minded the process...) - let's show the grassroot's power!

Kristiana, good luck!

Ray Minchew

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Wow! Fahrenheit 9/11 sold out!

Interest was super high for our premiere showing of Fahrenheit 9/11, and the show is now sold out. Thanks to all of you who bought tickets and contributed. We were mentioned today in the Seattle Times, and the buzz is all over the street about Democracy for Washington. You guys made this happen!

We still welcome any contributions, of course, since this is a fundraiser. Thanks again to Jay Inslee and his great staff, and to all the Democracy for Washington members who helped make this event happen. Let's make tomorrow night a great event!

Ray Minchew

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Fahrenheit 9/11 tickets finally available!

After a lengthy delay to deal with some internet hosting company issues, we are finally able to offer our tickets to Fahrenheit 9/11 online!

We have reserved the Neptune theater on June 25th, opening night (next Friday), and we have two shows: 7:00pm, and 9:45pm. Both shows currently a limited amount of tickets available online!

This is a fundraiser for Democracy for Washington, but for legal reasons the Jay Inslee team can only accept the face value for tickets.

For that reason, we ask that you visit two sites to obtain tickets:
a) Jay Inslee's ticket sales page: $9.00/ ticket, maximum three (3) per transaction - this is required to get tickets.
b) Our contribution page, $16 per ticket, for a total of $25 per ticket - this is optional - you know your financial situation, and we're trying to raise money to support grassroots efforts such as this around the state. It's your choice, but we ask for your help at this time.

I apologize that this isn't simpler - we did our best, but legal constraints are making us jump through hoops! Please contact us with any questions.

Whatever we raise, we will split a portion of the proceeds with PAC to help them in their good works as well. The portion we keep will be used in-state to host candidate forums and other great grassroots events. Thank you so much for your patience, and we'll see you at the movies!

Ray Minchew

A Progressive Caucus?

In recent threads on this site's Yahoo sister group, the discussion of establishing and supporting a Progressive Caucus has been getting a lot of travel. To begin with, it has been established that there is a Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chaired by Dennis Kucinich and Rep. Barbara Lee of California with Jim McDermott doing a fine job of representing us in Washington. What, you might ask, is the significance of this fine group? Well in my opinion, it is what should be at the core of our activities in this election cycle. My selection of Howard Dean over Dennis Kucinich in the presidential race was made very much with the Progressive Caucus in mind. Kucinich was fond of reminding us that he was co-chair of that caucus but was hard pressed to count their accomplishments over the past 8 years. My feeling was (and is still) that Howard Dean would have signed whatever the Progressive Caucus could have gotten through the House.

The shift in our own party, so dynamically pointed out by Dean in his famous "What I want to know...." speech, has been gaining ground with each passing election. Since the 2nd coming of Reagan (1984), the DLC has been slowly but surely making great inroads into the soul of our party. Indeed, it has been the DLC who have given us "Free Trade" over "Fair Trade" and "Welfare to Work" and a shift in foreign policy that helped George W Bush launch a preemptive strike in Iraq. Of course the key element in the DLC argument is "electability". Friends, make no mistake, Bill Clinton won re-election on shear force of his personality, not on any values of the DLC. One only needs to look to the mid-term election of 1994 for that answer.

We have all been told that we must not only take the Whitehouse but that we must take back the congress as well. In my opinion, it is not enough to win back the House of Representatives however. We must make it one that once again represents our values. It is my feeling that, not only can we not afford to lose a Dennis Kucinich in the Progressive Caucus, but we must be tireless in our efforts to put more true Progressives in Congress. As you look for places to invest your time and resources this year, look for where there are contested races and where there is a real difference between progressive values or "electability" ask what you can do to help restore our values and start taking back our country.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Philadelphia Inquirer Gives Kerry His First Presidential Endorsement

LAST WEEK, the nation looked to the past with the death of President Ronald Reagan.

This week, the presidential campaigns of George W. Bush and John F. Kerry, suspended out of respect to the deceased 40th president, start fresh. In that spirit, this newspaper, the first in the nation, endorses John Kerry for president. Unlike the current White House occupant, Kerry can lead America to a brighter, better future. He has shown the personal courage, compassion, intellect and skill to lead this country in a time of war abroad and economic troubles at home. He is a serious man for a serious time.

Read the entire article: (free registration required)

Action Items: Read the article and write to the Philadelphia Daily News with your support. I'm sure they will get plenty of negative letters, and we should counter those early.

Send them your thoughts, along with an address and day and evening phone number they can call to verify your message. You can reach the paper by e-mail (, fax (215-854-5691) or regular mail (Views, Box 7788, Philadelphia, PA 19101).

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Draft Dean for VP Petition

Considering some of the recent polls, including this one from FOXNews, you might consider giving Dean a little push.

Draft Dean for VP Petition

Draft Dean for VP Blog

Larsen Campaign: Volunteers Needed Saturday, June 19th, in Island County

As the campaign season moves into high gear, we must redouble our grassroots efforts to ensure victory in November. We must take responsibility for our areas and make sure that every voter knows about our candidates and understands why Democrats must win in 2004. Here's what we're doing on Whidbey Island right now:

On Saturday, June 19th the Rick Larsen Campaign is invading Island County with sign and doorbell blitzes.

Volunteer Needs:

1) Individual Signs - we need to distribute 70 Yard Signs to coordinators for home delivery: 7 volunteers can deliver 10 yard signs each to cover all of our home locations.

2) 6 4x8 Signs - we'd like to begin our large sign program with 6 signs on Whidbey - 3 teams of 2-3 volunteers with trucks, electric drills, hammers, and levels to construct 2 4x8 signs in the morning.

3) Doorbell 10 precincts in Oak Harbor - 20 doorbelling volunteers can accomplish this in about 3 hours.


We're meeting in Freeland at 10:30 AM to deliver yard signs and 4x8 signs to volunteer teams at the Park & Ride at Trinity Lutheran Church (SR 525 & Woodard Road). Our next stop is in Oak Harbor at 1:30 PM to deliver more yard signs and coordinate doorbelling teams at Safeway (31565 State Route 20 # 1). At both meetings there will be a short meet-&-greet/training session.

These are aggressive goals, but also goals that must be accomplished. Rick has never carried Island County and we intend to change that in November. Now is our chance to make Island County Democratic for all of our candidates!

Please contact me at or at (425) 923-3276 if and how you can help out on Saturday, or if you would like to help out the campaign in other ways. Thanks again for your support and all of your hard work!

Lee Marchisio
Field Director, Citizens to Elect Rick Larse

Monday, June 14, 2004

Welcome Bush to Spokane, June 17

Dear Friends,

Ready for some Bush whack'n?

George Bush is coming to Spokane on Thursday, June 17 to raise money for George Nethercutt. The event is a dinner at the Spokane
Convention Center, 334 West Spokane Falls Boulevard.

There will be a counter event and rally north of the River starting at 5 pm (Lilac Bowl of River Front park). While the rich kids will be inside dinning on their 1,000 dollar meals, the common folk that's us) will be serving, hot dogs, veggie dogs, and hamburgers . The State Democratic Coordinated Campaign is organizing the rally.

Please share far and wide and bring five friends.

What: Welcome Bush to Spokane

When: Thursday, June 17, 5 pm

Where: North side of the Spokane River across from Convention Center

Why: Do I really have to tell you?

Eastern Washington Voters is organizing a car pool that is leaving at 3:15 PM on Thursday from Dissmore's parking lot in Pullman. We will meet at the front left (facing the store) corner of the lot. If you can drive or need a ride, contact Bryan at (509) 332-4260 (h); (509) 330-1793 (c);

Tomorrow is a good day for Democracy on KUOW, 94.9 Seattle

The deadline for the summer internship program at KUOW is tomorrow. This is specifically for high school students interested in reporting on the upcoming election. If you know a high school student who might be interested, you can learn more about Weekday High here.

Tuesday, June 15th, Weekday 9am - 11am


Gubernatorial candidate Ron Sims says Washington State needs an income tax. The income tax has long been considered a third rail in state politics. Do you agree with the proposal for an income tax? What agenda do you want the next Governor of Washington to pursue? Ron Sims will join us to discuss his platform and take your phone calls on Weekday.


We'll learn about resources to help parents get involved with their kids schools.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

Alex Alben for Congress Kickoff

You are cordially invited to join 8th District Congressional candidate Alex Alben for his kickoff BBQ as he prepares to go the distance and win a seat in the House of Representatives!

Monday, June 14, 2004
5:30 pm
Pickering Barn
1730 10th Ave. NW

$25 per adult; kids are free

Please RSVP to Field Manager Leslie Martes at 425-454-3100 or

Directions to the Pickering Barn:

>From I-90, eastbound: take exit 15, the Lake Sammamish Park exit. Turn left off the ramp onto 17th Ave., which becomes SE 56th St. Go through two stoplights. Take a right at the third stoplight onto 10th Ave. NW. Take a left into the Pickering Barn parking lot. The entrance is on the east side of the Barn. Note: The Barn is directly east of the Issaquah Costco.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) filing information for 2004

The filing period for Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) is changed for this election and will be open July 26 through July 30, 2004. The PCO Declaration of Candidacy Form must be in the correct County Auditor's Office within the open filing period.

The PCO positions will be on the Primary Ballot on September 14, 2004.

The filing fee is one dollar ($1) and must accompany the filing form.

The PCO Declaration of Candidacy Form is available at each County Auditor's Office.

Some County Auditor's websites may not have the downloadable PDF version of the filing form. If the form is not available at your County Auditor's site, do not use another County's downloadable form. For instance, the Snohomish County Auditor's PDF file contains their logo and will not be accepted at other county's offices.

If you mail the PCO Declaration of Candidacy Form to your County Auditor's office, it must be mailed no more than ten (10) days prior to the open filing period. It must also be notarized and the filing payment must accompany the form (make checks payable to the correct County Auditor).

If you would like more information about the PCO position, you can contact your Legislative District Chair.

You may also read the online version of the PCO Handbook

1st Entry

OK, so this morning I am driving my daughter (13) to school and listening to her radio station, KISS 106.1FM. The Jackie and Bender show. Lots of stuff about pop music and celebrities and the general drive by chit chat of morning radio. There is always outrageous stuff to get kids' attention and the usual sexual innuendo sure to amuse the pre to currently pubescent crowd. But then, after one of those news shorts about "your money", this Bender character strikes a nerve. The story was about the Pentagon wasting $100MILLION on airline tickets that never got used nor refunded. Now this struck on two different levels. Of course there is the outrage that our troops are coming home from Iraq on leave and having to buy their own tickets home after they first arrive in the country, yet the Pentagon has let $100MILLION worth of airline tickets go to waste. But the real outrage was the comment that followed. When the discussion turned to what things could be done in the future, Bender suggested that NOBODY CARES because people just pay their taxes and have NO CONTROL OVER HOW THE MONEY IS SPENT. I am not sure of the total listening audience of this station or this program but, according to my daughter, all of her friends discuss this show at great length. They form opinions about people and issues based on the things they hear on this program and many others just like it. This is the next generation of non-voters being created.
Why do people drop out of the process or not even bother to enter the process? Because they are told that they have no influence over the system. Why do they believe that? Because the media tells them so, AND because so many adults have abandoned the system. I told my daughter that I felt Bender had just done his part in turning 100 or 200 young people away from government and politics because of what he had just said. She told me that he was only telling kids the truth. She said that she would vote when she turns 18 but just because she knows I would expect it from her. More of her friends will just ignore the whole process. I told her democracy is hard work and you have to stay actively involved. If you want to influence the way things are done, you need to seek out people who will represent your point of view and spend the money the way you think is appropriate and vote for them. If they don't continue to represent you (she believes they will say anything to get your vote and then will just do what they want when they are in office) you vote them out. A congressman's term is only 2 years. You continue this trend until they take the hint that you are not going away. And then DON'T GO AWAY! You have to assert your influence to have influence.
We have a special obligation this year. Young people are watching like we have not seen since 1968. Howard Dean began a conversation and a movement to bring "the People" back into "We the People". For too long, many of us have stood by and allowed our influence to be diminished due to apathy, frustration, or just plain lazyness. This year we are banded together to fight more than one enemy. George W Bush exists because too many of us have allowed him to exist. I challenge everyone who reads this to do two things; fight for the defeat of George W Bush and, more importantly, reach out to at least one person between 17 and 25 everyday and let them know how important their voice is and why they must become and stay involved. If you have kids, ask them what they listen to and how it is influencing the way they feel about government and politics. Ask them to join you at a Meetup and ask questions. Don't let the Benders of the world be proven right.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Times On 36th LD House Race: Labor Turns Against Leading House Democrat

Interesting article from the Times on the primary race between Helen Sommers and Alice Woldt in the 36th legislative district for the Position 1 House race.

"The word "no" has caught up with state Rep. Helen Sommers, landing her in the cross hairs of organized labor.

Sommers, 72, is one of the most powerful Democrats in Washington. As chairwoman of the House Appropriations Committee, she has vast influence over who gets money and who doesn't.

During the state's deep recession she's turned down lots of people. "Unfortunately, some of them are very powerful and important Democratic constituencies," said Democratic Party Chairman Paul Berendt."

Read the rest of the article here.

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Dear Faithful American,

The torture scandal continues to grow, and with it the outrage of the Arab world. As our leaders continue to blame a few rogue soldiers, a cycle of mutual suspicion and dehumanization between the Arab world and the United States deepens.

We need to send a message directly from the people of the United States , to the people of Iraq and the Arab world, telling them that, as Americans, we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with them in demanding justice for these sinful abuses committed in our name.

To do this, we've filmed a television ad with Christian, Jewish and Muslim faith leaders to be broadcast on Arabic-language television in the Middle East. You can view the ad using the link below. If you feel the message expresses what is in your heart, let the world know by endorsing the ad. You can even donate to help put it on the air.

As the number of endorsers grows, we will add that figure to the end of the ad. The more people who endorse the message, the more effective it will be. Please send this e-mail to anyone you think might want to get involved.


The Team

P.S. Thanks to Medea Benjamin and Michael Schellenberger for bringing us this powerful idea. is an online community of people of faith who want to build a more just and compassionate nation. Join us!