Thursday, April 01, 2004

Had to share Rob Brezney's horoscope for today:

"GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Visualize a scenario in which Israelis and
Palestinians are still embroiled in a hateful state of siege for another 100
years. Imagine that the personal problems bugging you now will continue
to torment you indefinitely. Live your life as if you believe the world is
falling apart and that we human beings are parasites bent on wrecking the
paradise we've been blessed with. APRIL FOOL! Don't you dare indulge in
any of the hackneyed cynicism I just spouted. While educated idiots might
try to convince you that badmouthing the future is honest and intelligent,
it's actually a bad habit based on delusion. Here's your *real* assignment,
Gemini: Retrain your mind to expect the best. Visualize in graphic detail
the transformations you'd love to see. Cultivate delight using all your

So, let's pass that on to everyone. Visualize a new President and a new Democracy in November 2004, then act to make it reality!

Chad Lupkes

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