Friday, July 30, 2004

8th Legislative District Candidate Rick Dillender

Dear Friends and fellow lovers of Democracy,

I would like to tell you how heartfelt your encouragement and
support is. Eastern Washington is a very difficult area to campaign
in. The Progressives here often feel like cowboys circling the wagons
to fend off the conservatives, and it requires very bold steps to
take the offensive in this race. However difficult the struggle,
though, the efforts must be made. Washington is an important swing
state in this election and one of the main battle lines is here in
our district. The conservatives realize this as well. They are
concerned enough to send Dick Cheney to fundraise and stump speech
this past Monday for the Republican candidates here and in Yakima on
Friday. We organized a protest against his presence here in the Tri-
Cities, and there is one scheduled for Friday as well. I encourage
anyone who can attend to make the trip to Yakima and show Cheney and
his cronies that he won't get our State without a fight. Cheney's
wife was quoted as saying, "Washington is a very important state to
us", and that an exceptionally strong showing in conservative Central
Washington would be needed to win. We do not intend to let that
happen. Energized candidates have stepped up to remind people that a
progressive vote is a vote for Personal Liberty, and that the
Democratic Party is the Party of the People. Your gestures of support
have helped remind us that we are not in this alone. Progressive
people are part of a large family, and it is wonderful to have others
speak up on our behalf.
Keep in mind that this race is not just about the future of the
national elections. Our District fields 2 Legislative seats and 1
Senate seat in Olympia. In my race for Seat 1, my closest rival is
Monte Benham, a man who wants to have the 1892 Webster's dictionary
taught in schools again (the version that uses bible scripture to
demonstrate grammar and word usage). He is also for cutting more
funding out of the public education system and funneling it into
religiously oriented charter schools, as well as cutting taxes at the
expense of our already stretched social support programs. If this man
is elected, the effects will reverberate throughout the State, not
just in the 8th District. All of our communities are at risk. I ask
you to provide whatever assistance you can in this fight for the
future of Washington State. As with any campaign, funding is our most
dire need, as my opponents have almost $18,000 between them to spend
on their campaigns. However, funding is only the vehicle to reach the
voters. Many other types of support can make the difference as well.
Letters to the editor in the Seattle papers (which are distributed
here) would be great. If anyone would like to provide printing
services or would like to purchase a batch of yard signs, we need
them. If anyone has the means to donate goods, food, or wine for
fundraisers, make or purchase buttons, or even use their home
computers to print fliers and literature for us, it all makes a
difference. I would also encourage you to contact the people you know
at the State Party level and ask them to support us in our fight
against the conservative push for this area. The Republicans are
putting a lot of resources into trying to win Washington by taking
the East, and it will take a concerted effort on the part of all free-
thinking people in our state to fend them off. Thank you for all your
support and effort, and know that you have given us new energy and
enthusiasm to carry on the fight for our cause.

Your Candidate
Rick Dillender
State Representative
8th LD - Seat 1
The Committee to Elect Rick Dillender
1900 Stevens Dr. #411
Richland, WA 99354

P.S. - Anyone interested in going to Yakima for the Protest Friday
should contact Margaret Munro at 509-946-0955 or just show up. The
rally will be a couple of blocks east of the high school, so I'm


Anonymous said...

Rick has enthusiasm, intelligence and lots of energy. I hope that as more people get to know about this candidate they will feel as I do. He is an able speaker and worthy of your vote.

Anonymous said...

Where's he at now?