Saturday, August 28, 2004

Washington State's 2004 National Delegates!

A Very Heartfelt Thank-You to All who Ran For National Delegate!

On behalf of the Democracy for Washington Community, I would like to say a heartfelt thank-you to all the people who ran to represent the candidate of their choice at the Democratic National Convention. You all put in a lot of diligent and hard work in the events leading up to the Washington State Congressional District Caucuses and are to be commended for stepping up as you did. Thank you for showing us such an inspiring and robust democratic process.

We also congratulate the delegates who were elected in yesterday’s caucuses, and know that the national delegates join us in thanking all the other candidates for making yesterday’s election processes the inspiring events they were.

We look forward to seeing you all next week at the Washington State Convention!

Kelley Bevans

Acting PCO, 36-3318

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Here is the list of Delegates! If you know more than we do, please let us know!

John Kerry Howard Dean Dennis Kucinich
1st CD Luis Moscoso
Dr. Mony Baggett
Jessica Becket
2nd CD Stacy Pederson
Jesse Salomon
Larry A. Kalb
3rd CD Harold Abbe
Norm Banks
Julee Hukee
Nicole Rickets (Alternate)
John Howes
4th CD Scott Brines
Kristin Eby
David E. Molnaa (Alternate)
Ellen (Leni) Skarin
Harold (Hal) Kent III
5th CD Yvette Fox
Yvonne Griffin
Douglas Dobbins
Bob Schlein Diane M. Schmitz
6th CD Julie Bjornsson Chris Karnes
7th CD Lisa Dombe
Georgia Spencer
Greg Rodriguez
_____ Soucey (Alternate)
Janis Traven
Jason Szawatski
D'Adre Cunningham
James I. Mullins
8th CD Lindsay Scola
Yvonne Kinoshita Ward
Thomas Vance
Francisco Irigon
Geni P. Hawkins (Alternate)
Ricardo Polintan
Joanna Decker
9th CD Cherise Luxa
Alan Dahl
At Large


Jeff Smith

Becky Lewis

Jeanne Kohl-Welles

At-large Delegates:

Sarah Schacht

Sylvia Olveda

Ada Santerre-Nigagloni

Romona Brandes

Sameer Kanal

Robert Byrd


Lawrence Winnerman

Wes Hamilton - Delegate

Dian E. Ferguson - Alternate

Hope to hear from everyone during the National Convention in Boston!

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