Thursday, April 22, 2004

Rossi Tackles The Important Issues
Rossi wants soda syrup tax repealed

The Spokesman-Review reports that Dino Rossi, the likely Republican Nom for the gubernatorial race has annouced his far-reaching plan to repeal the tax on soda syrup. Oh, and he also thinks that Washington State should freeze minimum wage increases in hard times, cut red tape and develop better customer service attitudes among its workers.

The tax raises about $18.5 million every two years. In an interview after his speech, Rossi argued that "out of a $23 billion budget, that's not much." He said he didn't have cuts in specific programs he'd propose to cover the loss of that revenue, but would handle it with "a combination of decisions."

Whew! Tax cuts without a plan to replace income; man, that's what we need in the governors office!

Oh, and it should be noted that he accepted the endorsement of the Washington Restaurant Association, thanks to that wee little bit of pandering.

Got ideas for other pander-ific taxes to cut? Talk about them here!

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