Brian Baird*
P.O. Box 5016
Vancouver, WA 98668
Phone: 360-696-1993
Fax: 360-696-2013
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Brian Baird for Congressional District 3
Alex Alben for Congressional District 8
Alex Alben
PO Box 709
Mercer Island, WA 98040
Phone: (206) 232-2545
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Washington State's 2004 National Delegates!
A Very Heartfelt Thank-You to All who Ran For National Delegate!
On behalf of the Democracy for Washington Community, I would like to say a heartfelt thank-you to all the people who ran to represent the candidate of their choice at the Democratic National Convention. You all put in a lot of diligent and hard work in the events leading up to the Washington State Congressional District Caucuses and are to be commended for stepping up as you did. Thank you for showing us such an inspiring and robust democratic process.
We also congratulate the delegates who were elected in yesterday’s caucuses, and know that the national delegates join us in thanking all the other candidates for making yesterday’s election processes the inspiring events they were.
We look forward to seeing you all next week at the Washington State Convention!
Kelley Bevans
Acting PCO, 36-3318
We are the ones we have been waiting for.
Here is the list of Delegates! If you know more than we do, please let us know!
John Kerry | Howard Dean | Dennis Kucinich | |
1st CD | Luis Moscoso Dr. Mony Baggett | Jessica Becket | |
2nd CD | Stacy Pederson Jesse Salomon | Larry A. Kalb | |
3rd CD | Harold Abbe Norm Banks Julee Hukee Karen Titus Nicole Rickets (Alternate) | John Howes | |
4th CD | Scott Brines Kristin Eby David E. Molnaa (Alternate) | Ellen (Leni) Skarin Harold (Hal) Kent III | |
5th CD | Yvette Fox Yvonne Griffin Douglas Dobbins | Bob Schlein | Diane M. Schmitz |
6th CD | Julie Bjornsson | Chris Karnes | |
7th CD | Lisa Dombe Georgia Spencer Greg Rodriguez _____ Soucey (Alternate) | Janis Traven Jason Szawatski | D'Adre Cunningham James I. Mullins |
8th CD | Lindsay Scola Yvonne Kinoshita Ward Thomas Vance Francisco Irigon Geni P. Hawkins (Alternate) | Ricardo Polintan Joanna Decker | |
9th CD | Cherise Luxa Alan Dahl | ||
At Large | PLEOs: At-large Delegates: Alternate: | Wes Hamilton - Delegate Dian E. Ferguson - Alternate |
Hope to hear from everyone during the National Convention in Boston!
John Kerry for President!
In our opinion, and in the opinion of a True Majority of people in the US, this is the most important election in years. How important just depends on your perspective. Some say this is as important as the 1992 election, when Bill Clinton won after 12 years of Republican control. Others think back to 1932, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt swept the entire country, bringing Democrats into the majority for the first time in decades and starting the recovery from the Great Depression. There's even another date that we can consider as equal to this one. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln received the electoral college, and was able to save our country from breaking in two pieces during the Civil War. In some ways, our country is as divided now as it was then, and it's time to start to bring us together and build our nation back into the greatest country on earth, a distinction that has been lost in the last 4 years.
We believe that Senator John Kerry can win the White House in 2004. We believe that he must win to save the institutions and promises that our government has made to us. And the best way that we can do that is to work hard from the bottom up to prove that our government is not dictated to us from the top down.
Will you help us?
Kerry Campaign field organizers are working with supporters across Washington state to lead house parties and build our grassroots movement in the Pacific Northwest. If you are already working with a coordinator in your own district or know who that is, direct people in your district to that person. However, if you need to be matched up with a volunteer activity, call 1-866-ElectJK.
Find the house party in your neighborhood or host your own!
Contact Mike Leighs at
To find out more about the John Kerry campaign in Washington State, call the Washington State Democratic Coordinated Campaign at (206) 281-9124 |
Want to help spread the word? Get one of the Kerry Kits from and show your family, friends and neighbors what makes us believe that John Kerry is the right choice in November!
The official John Kerry website has lots of features and tools! Here's a good one. Search for events in your area by clicking here and putting in your zipcode. These can be house parties, fundraisers or sign waving parties. Get involved locally to make changes nationally!
Congradulations to the 2004 National Delegates! Let us know who you are so we can post your name on our Delegates page!
This Blog is included in our News Aggregator: |
2004 Democratic Platform
Stronger at Home, Respected in the World!
The 2004 National Platform draft is out, and everyone should look at what the vision is from the Democratic Party.
Read it here.
The Washington State Democrats also have a completed platform.
Read it here.
Congressional District Map
Color Key: | Democrats | Republicans |
Here's a map of the state using Google Earth with the Congressional districts in color. You can download the source file here (.KMZ). |
Friday, August 27, 2004
Seattle Times Endorses Kerry - Two Months Early!
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
About Democracy for Washington
We are private citizens with a general goal to get more involved in politics. Our country is moving in the wrong direction, and we need to turn this ship around.
Inspired and energized by the Howard Dean campaign in the 2004 Democratic Primary, our dreams of having Howard Dean as the next President were dashed when the voters made a different choice. In our search for answers to the question of how and why this happened, we came into a much better understanding of the entire election process and how we can actually make a difference. When Howard Dean came back to Seattle on March 18th, 2004, we found our focus and our name.
Read Howard Dean's March 18th Speech
Or listen to it on Vermont Public Radio
Howard Dean generated a great deal of support in the Seattle area. His ideas and willingness to stand up to the Radical Right Wing of the Republican Party showed us that we all have the power to make a difference. We've gotten a taste of making that difference, and we're not going to quit. It's too important.
What we are doing
What we are not
In early 2007, DFW took stock on our accomplishments, and found ourselves wanting. We had developed some great infrastructure, but the leadership didn't have the time or energy to build the movement that we needed to see. It was time to evolve. We got in touch with Progressive Majority, and asked for help. They agreed to take responsibility for the financing and legal aspects, while we focus on building tools and infrastructure. DFW became the grassroots arm of Progressive Majority Washington.
Now we are focused on building that arm, and we need your help. Please get in touch with Chad, and get in touch with your neighbors. We can turn this country around, but it's going to take all of us working together.
Get involved with DFW!
The United States is based on the concept that it's involvement BY the people that creates a government OF the people that works FOR the people. {Remember who said something like that?}
Please join us! Here are a few ways that you can do that:
Become a PCO
The Precinct Committee Officer is the front line. If you don't know who your PCO is, in all likelyhood there isn't one for your neighborhood which opens the door for you. Contact your Legislative District Democratic Chair or County Chair and find out what you need to do.
If your precinct already has a PCO, there may well be opportunities to adopt a precinct that doesn't have one for the upcoming election period. Talk to the chair or PCO organizer in your district organization about this if you're interested. For example in the 46th, they recently came looking for folks to adopt some of these orphan precincts. There were at least a dozen such adopters in the room tonight at the PCO/adopter training.
Work on Local Elections
We have elections every single year in Washington State. We elect city council, county council and special district members as well as members of Congress and the State Legislature. Contact your county Democratic Party and find out what seats will be on the ballot, and which ones need help! By getting progressives elected to these local office, we can start getting a field of candidates ready for higher office in the future, and make a real difference in local governments in the meantime.
Join a Presidential Campaign!
2008 is our chance to take back this country once and for all. The Democratic Primary is underway, and any of our candidates are better than any Republican currently running. If you get involved now, your favorite candidate will have an advantage going into the Precinct Caucuses. It's going to take a lot of work this year and next to make this happen, and we need everyone. Join up!
Help your local Legislators in '08
About a third of the Senate and the entirety of the House is going to be on the ballot in 2008. If your State Senator or State Representative will be on the ballot and is a Democrat, contact their office and ask if they intend to run again in 2008. Those local campaigns need all the help they can get, both financially and efforts to get out the vote. If you can become the PCO for your Precinct, you can arrange to have the candidate get together with your neighbors at a house party or some other more formal venue. Any help or suggestions that you can give them on how they can better connect with supporters would be most welcome.
If the Senator or Representataive from your Legislative District is a Republican, contact the local Democratic Party, and ask if they have the name and contact information for a Democrat who is willing to run for that seat. If they do, see the above paragraph. If they don't, give them your name!
Run for Office!
No, we're not kidding! If you're not in a Democratic District or a Swing District, you might be wondering what the point of running for office is. It's very simple; the only way that people will hear the message of the Progressive Movement through the Democratic Party is if people stand up and say it. Even if you don't win the election, you'll give a chance for people to hear your message and vote their heart instead of standing to the side and let other people make the decisions for them. Races where there are multiple people on the ballot always generate more interest.
Don't forget to VOTE!
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
New DFA Bat!
We are all committed to fundamental change in our state and our country, and I thought I would start to use the tools available at Democracy for America's website to help make it happen.
This is a DFA fundraising bat that I created on their website in DFW’s name. The money goes to DFA, but is specifically identified as coming from activists in Washington, or at least people who went to the Washington State site to make their donation. Will you join me by making a contribution?
I have set a personal fundraising goal of $500. Every dollar goes to support grassroots candidates, organizer trainings, and getting out our message of common sense, hope, and empowerment. We're taking back the White House, the Senate and the US House, and then we're going to take back Washington State one race at a time!
You can track the progress of this drive at our DFA fundraising page:
Let's show DFA that Washington deserves more attention!
More information about our new CivicSpace website coming soon! Thanks for all you do!
Saturday, August 21, 2004
How long will our oil supply last?
The End of Ancient Sunlight (i.e. it's about oil)
by Thom Hartman
Here's an interesting but simple math problem (from a sidebar article in Yes, current issue, p. 39):
Say we have a 100 year supply of oil at the current rate of use. If demand increases 5% per year, the oil supply will last only 36 years.
If we underestimated our oil reserves and we have instead a 1,000 year supply at current use, then how many years do we have if demand increases 5% per year? Answer: 79 years.
Say we vastly underestimated our reserves and we have 10,000 years left at the current rate of use. How many years do we have left if demand increases 5% per year? Answer: 124 years.
New Meetup Script
Friday, August 20, 2004
First Civicspace Entry
So, the next step is to figure out what the modules are and how to use them. Please let me know your ideas!
News Feeds
Anyone have suggestions for content? Please let me know!
National Media Links
ABC News
47 W. 66 St., New York, NY 10023
Phone: 212-456-7777
D.C. Bureau phone: 202-222-7777
General e-mail:
ABC World News Tonight with Peter Jennings:
Phone: 212-456-4040
Fax: 212-456-2795
1717 DeSales St., NW, Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202-222-7000
147 Columbus Ave., 10th fl, New York, NY 10023
Phone: 212-456-2020
Fax: 212-456-0533
ABC's Good Morning America:
147 Columbus Ave., New York, NY 10023
Phone: 212-456-5900
Fax: 212-456-7257
CBS News
524 W. 57 St., New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212-975-4321
Fax: 212-975-1893
D.C. Bureau phone: 202-457-4385
CBS Evening News with Dan Rather:
Phone: 212-975-3691 or 202-457-4385
Fax: 212-975-1893
The Early Show:
Phone: 212-975-2824
Fax: 212-975-7133 or 212-975-2033
60 Minutes:
555 W. 57th St., New York, NY 10019-2985
Phone: 212-975-2006
Fax: 212-757-6975
60 Minutes II:
Phone: 212-975-6200
2200 Fletcher Ave.
Fort Lee, NJ 07024
Phone: (201) 585-2622
Fax: (201) 583-5453
One CNN Center, Box 105366, Atlanta, GA 30303-5366
Phone: 404-827-1500
Fax: 404-827-1906
CNN Washington Bureau
820 First St. N.E., Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 202-898-7900
Fax: 202-898-7923
Phone: 202-898-7655
Fax: 202-898-7611
Larry King Live
Phone: 202-898-7690
Fax: 202-898-7686
Fox News Channel
1211 Ave. of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
Phone: (212) 301-3000
Fax: (212) 301-4229
One MSNBC Plaza
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Phone: (201) 583-5000
Fax: (201) 583-5453
30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10112
Phone: 212-664-4444
Fax: 212-664-4426
Washington Bureau
4001 Nebraska Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20016
Phone: 202-885-4200
Fax: 202-362-2009
NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw:
Phone: 212-664-4971 or 202-885-4259
Fax: 202-362-2009 E-mail:
NBC News' Today:
Phone: 212-664-4602 or 202-885-4231
Fax: 212-664-4426
Dateline NBC
Phone: 212-664-7501
Fax: 212-664-7864
Public Broadcasting
1320 Braddock Place, Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703-739-5000
Fax: 703-739-8458
The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer
3620 South 27th St., Arlington, VA 22206
Phone: 703-998-2150
National Public Radio
635 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20001-3753
Phone: 202-513-2000
Fax: 202-513-3329
E-mail: Jeffrey Dvorkin, Ombudsman
All Things Considered:
Phone: 202-513-2110
Morning Edition:
Phone: 202-513-2150
Fax: 202-513-3329
National Newspapers
Los Angeles Times
202 West First Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Phone: 800-528-4637 or 213-237-5000
Fax: 213-237-4712
New York Times
229 W. 43rd St., New York, NY 10036
Phone: 212-556-1234
Fax: 212-556-3690
D.C. Bureau phone: 202-862-0300
USA Today
1000 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22229
Phone: 800-872-0001 or 703-276-3651
Fax: 703-247-3108
Wall Street Journal
200 Liberty St., New York, NY 10281
Phone: 212-416-2000
Fax: 212-416-2658
Washington Post
1150 15th St., NW, Washington, DC 20071
Phone: 202-334-6000
Fax: 202-334-5269
Associated Press
50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020
Phone: 212-621-1500
Fax: 212-621-7523
D.C. Bureau phone: 202-776-9400
251 W 57th Street, New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212-445-4000
Fax: 212-445-5068
Time & Life Bldg., Rockefeller Center, New York, NY 10020
Phone: 212-522-1212
Fax: 212-522-0323
U.S. News & World Report
1050 Thomas Jefferson St., Washington, DC 20007
Phone: 202-955-2000
Fax: 202-955-2049
DFA2 House Parties! Sept. 2nd is the first!
The proceeds will support DFA as well as another group of your choice that is working to elect progressive candidates. Any house party which raises over $500 will have the opportunity to tell DFA how to spend this money -- DFA will send 50% of what you raise to a candidate or organization suggested by you.
For the night of September 2nd to be successful, we need to organize house parties in as many cities as possible.
When you sign up to host a party, you will be given information about setting up a house party BAT for those who wish to contribute to your house party but will not be able to attend.
After you have signed up, don't forget to post it here in the Washington section.
This is a great opportunity to get people involved again. If you have lists, get them out and use them.
Let's take our country back!
Carol Cates
DFA-WA state contact
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Announcing GOTV Training in Seattle!
Get-Out-The-Vote The Wellstone Way
You are invited to an intensive get-out-the-vote (GOTV) training
sponsored by the Wellstone Action Fund. This 2-day practical skills
training will be held on September 11 and 12 in Seattle and is designed
especially for individuals and non-profit organizations doing
non-partisan voter registration, education and mobilization.
The late Senator Paul Wellstone was deeply committed to citizen activism
and engagement in the political process. He believed that ordinary
people need to organize and develop the skills necessary to be effective
participants in their community and nation. This training program draws
heavily from the lessons passed on to us from Paul Wellstone.
This training will have an exclusive focus on the final push to
get-out-the-vote, including the elements of an effective, energetic and
winning GOTV effort. It will cover work at the door, on the phone,
recruiting volunteers, absentee ballot and early vote rules, vote by
mail programs and working with the media. The training will also provide
a step-by-step guide for mobilizing voters in the final weeks before the
election and on Election Day itself.
Many groups and individuals have been doing exciting and innovative work
to register and educate voters. Now is the time to bring it all together
by motivating people to get to the polls.
To sign up online, click on the link below, or visit
GOTV The Wellstone Way - Seattle: September 11 & 12, 2004
If you have questions about the training, contact Stephanie Zawistowski at, or call 202.546.6752.
Monday, August 16, 2004
America Votes "Summer Days of Action" - August 21, 2004
America Votes has organized events for Washington in Bremerton, Burien, Kent, Seattle, and Tacoma for August 21, 2004.
If you will be in any of these areas and would like to help register voters, please click here to sign up.
If you know someone in another state that might be interested, please check here.
This is an excellent opportunity to get involved with voter registration if you haven't done so before. It's also great if you have done voter registration and want to have some fun, too
Friday, August 13, 2004
This DNC Video is cool!
From: Dana / WebTalk Radio []
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 10:12 AM
To: Democracy for Washington
Subject: The Music Video of the Democratic National Convention
Hi ...
I live in University Place, WA and co-host a technology talk show on the radio and on the web.
I thought you'd be interested in how the Democratic National Convention inspired me. I made this 3-min. music video about the convention and thought, if you liked it, you might include it on your site.
The Music Video of the Democratic National Convention:
Watch Kerry-Edwards Democratic National
Convention music video (3:37)
Streaming video; must have Windows Media player
Hi (1128k, T1/Cable)
Med (212k, Cable/DSL)
Low (100k, Dial-up)
Download version: (28.5 MB)
The direct link to the video page is here:
Dana Greenlee
Office/Studio: 253.566.9356
Mobile: 253.640.0164
WebTalkGuys Radio Show
LoudVox Productions
Clark County Young Democrats' Bus Project Trip
From: Clark County Young Democrats []
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 6:27 AM
To: 'Chad Lupkes'
Subject: August 22nd -- A Bus Project Event
Hi Guys:
Think we can get the information below posted on Democracy for Washington?
Thanks muchly for considering this!
Hi Everyone:
It’s time for another Bus Project Trip as we continue our efforts to change the majority in the Washington State Senate, while preserving our majority in the state House! Please sign-up today for our next trip, which takes place on August 22nd! Pick-up times are below. Meals will be provided to everyone who volunteers and we’ll finish off the day with a celebration at the home of one of our local state legislators.
Please share this invitation with anyone you think may be interested in joining us – if you can’t make this trip, but are still interested, contact me for a copy of our schedule and sign-up for a future trip today!
See you soon!
A state lacking responsible leadership is on a road to nowhere.
You deserve a state with greater vision.
Join the Clark County Young Democrats’ Bus Project to work for a Washington where:
· A thriving economy and a healthy environment are not considered mutually exclusive – and we have both
· Our education system is world-class and Higher Education is available and accessible to all
· Quality Health Care is a right, instead of something restricted to a privileged few
· All people are treated fairly regardless of their age, gender, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation
If we elect the right leaders, all of this possible. Help make it happen by working with us on a campaign where your time will make the critical difference.
We’re picking up volunteers on Sunday, August 22nd.
You can catch the bus at the following locations:
Pierce County: Federal Way Park and Ride at 9:00 AM.
Thurston County: Martin Way Park and Ride at 10:00 AM.
Cowlitz County: Highlander Bowl Parking lot at 11:00 AM.
Don’t Wait! RSVP to or call Hillary at 360-891-0973 to reserve your seat!
Get on the Road for a Better Washington!
You Deserve it.
Hillary Hunt
President, Clark County Young Democrats
Southwest Washington Regional Organizer, Young Democrats of Washington
(360) 609-2393
Monday, August 09, 2004
Skagit County Progressives
Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2004 5:44 PM
Subject: Subscribe and website for Skagit
We are a group of people whom have come together after being supporters of Howard Dean and Dennis Kucinich and have made a progressive Coalition in Skagit County. We do our voters registration drives and have now more progressives as PCO running then ever before.
Thank you, Erna
Action item: Please take a look at their website, and send them a good hearty DFW welcome!
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Same-sex marriage ruled legal in Washington state
By Sanjay Bhatt
Seattle Times staff reporter
Washington state's Defense of Marriage Act, which limits marriage to one man and one woman, violates the state Constitution, King County Superior Court Judge William Downing ruled today.
Read the entire article:
Please post your comments below! To post a comment, click the "comments" link at the end of this post, then click the "post a comment" link. You will be re-directed to the Blogger site to sign in or set up a free account. Once you do that, you can compose your comment in the text box and click the "publish comment" button to post your question.
Monday, August 02, 2004
Too DEAN-like?
So when a local supporter of a 4th congressional candidate in a Letter to the Editor of our local paper tried to disparage a progressive candidate in favor of their more moderate Democratic candidate, she claimed that the progressive candidate was TOO DEAN-LIKE! Too Dean-like? Gee I guess we better look out for those Dean-like candidates. They must be rabid nuts or something. Heh … maybe their supporters are a little wacky too.
I’ve even heard that if Kerry is elected … there will be a purge of Dean supporters from leadership positions in the party.
Is anyone else picking up such vibes?